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Parlamento Europeo - 17 settembre 1992

RESOLUTION B3-1147, 1151, 1167 AND 1178/92

Resolution on the riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen and other cities of the new Länder

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the Joint Declaration by the European Parliament, the Council, the representatives of the Member States, meeting within the Council, and the Commission against racism and xenophobia, of 11 June 1986,

-having regard to its resolutions of 14 June 1990 on measures to combat racism and xenophobiaOJ No. C 175, 16.7.1990, p. 178, 10 October 1990 on the report by the Committee of Inquiry into Racism and XenophobiaOJ No. C 284, 12.11.1990, p. 57 and 12 March 1992 on support for demonstrations in favour of democracy and tolerance and against racism and xenophobiaOJ No. C 94, 13.4.1992, p. 269,

A.concerned at the riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen and other cities,

B.alarmed at the reaction of people to the extreme right and their use of violence,

C.concerned at the economic and social problems which have no doubt contributed to this violence,

D.whereas the willingness to receive asylum-seekers and refugees has varied greatly throughout the Community and whereas Germany is bearing by far the heaviest burden,

E.extremely concerned at the wave of xenophobic violence throughout Europe,

1.Condemns the violence against asylum-seekers, foreigners and the police force of Rostock-Lichtenhagen and declares that violence must never become an accepted instrument in a democracy;

2.Offers its sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims;

3.Calls upon the Länder of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg and other Länder to take concrete measures to uphold the law and guarantee order and the safety of asylum-seekers;

4.Calls on the FRG Government and the Bundestag to give legal, financial and personnel assistance to the Länder;

5.Repeats its demand for a common policy on asylum, immigration and refugees and calls for the debate on any reform of the right of asylum in Germany to reflect a European outlook;

6.Encourages the Community institutions and the governments of the Member States to prepare to implement the provisions of the Maastricht Treaty on the harmonization of asylum policies and the introduction of a standard visa, while respecting fundamental rights and international conventions and undertakings;

7.Asks that effective political and social measures be taken to counteract racist extremism fomented by the extreme right;

8.Calls for a campaign against xenophobia and asks the Community institutions to support initiatives aimed at informing and educating the public;

9.Welcomes the vigorous response of German social and political forces to these violent incidents and calls on the German authorities to draw up, as a matter of urgency, a list of immediate measures to put an end to the wave of xenophobic violence;

10.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, Council and the governments of the Member States.

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