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Parlamento Europeo - 17 settembre 1992
Human rights in Vietnam

RESOLUTION B3-1176 AND 1226/92

Resolution on the human rights situation in Vietnam and the fate of five leaders of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (EBUVN)

The European Parliament,

A.mindful of the report by the International Federation of Human Rights on repression of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam,

B.mindful of the report by the Vietnam Committee for the Defence of Human Rights to the effect that the Venerable Huyen Quang, Quang Do, Duc Nhuan, Tue Sy and Tri Sieu (also known as Le Manh That), leaders of the EBUVN, are currently either under surveillance at home or in re-education camps,

C.whereas, according to recent reports, the situation of Buddhist monks belonging to the Buddhist Church of Vietnam is entering a very critical phase,

D.recalling its previous resolutions on religious persecution in Vietnam,

1.Calls on the Council and the Commission to exert pressure on the Vietnamese authorities to compel them to respect fully the right to freedom of worship;

2.Calls on the Vietnamese Government to inform it of the precise situation of the above-mentioned Buddhist leaders and calls for the release of those of them in prison;

3.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, EPC, the Commission and the Vietnamese Government.

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