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Parlamento Europeo - 17 settembre 1992
Helsinki Conference

RESOLUTION B3-1113, 1114 AND 1116/92

Resolution on the statement on the Helsinki II Summit

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the conclusions set out in the text 'Helsinki Document 1992 - the Challenges of Change' adopted at the CSCE summit of 9 and 10 July 1992,

-having regard to the declaration of the European Council in Dublin emphasizing the importance of the CSCE process following the end of the cold war and the need for improved coordination between the Member States in areas related to CSCE policy,

-having regard to the conclusions of the European Council in Lisbon reaffirming the commitment of the Community and the Member States to the CSCE process and stressing the contribution of the CSCE to freedom, peace and stability in Europe,

-having regard to the report to the European Council meeting in Lisbon on the probable evolution of the common foreign and security policy, proposing joint actions relating to the CSCE process in the field of security,

-having regard to its resolutions of 9 October 1990 on the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki II Conference)OJ No. C 284, 12.11.1990, p. 36, of 17 May 1991 on the role of Europe in relation to security in the MediterraneanOJ No. C 158, 17.6.1991, p. 292, of 10 June 1991 on the outlook for a European security policy: the significance of a European security policy and its institutional implications for European Political UnionOJ No. C 183, 15.7.1991, p. 18, and of 11 July 1991 on the Conference on Security and Cooperation in EuropeOJ No. C 240, 16.9.1991, p. 187,

-having regard to the debate at the June 1992 part-session on the role of Parliament vis-à-vis the CSCE Parliamentary Assembly, whose constituent meeting was held in Budapest from 3 to 5 July 1992,

-having regard to the timetable for future meetings of the various CSCE bodies,

A.whereas the maintenance of peace, stability, security and the prevention and solution of regional conflicts in Europe requires the strengthening of universal - global or regional - bodies; whereas the CSCE is coming more and more into this category, as it develops into a genuine regional structure within the United Nations system,

B.whereas the conflicts at present raging in Europe have clearly proved that the CSCE cannot play such a fundamental role if its authority, instruments and responsibilities remain as they have been until now,

1.Welcomes the Helsinki declaration adopted at the CSCE Summit on 10 July 1992 as a step in the right direction towards reinforcing the CSCE structures and institutions and rendering them more efficient and able to cope with the present crises;

2.Welcomes in particular the progress made in the following areas:

-the new peacekeeping role of the CSCE,

-the creation of the post of High Commissioner for minorities, even though its mandate is insufficient,

-the establishment of the CSCE Security Forum on disarmament, greater cooperation in the field of security and conflict prevention,

-the establishment of an Economic forum,

-the declaration on environmental policy,

-the creation of a troika on the Community model;

3.Urges the European Council, the Council and the Member States to support these new steps forward by increasing their financial contributions to the CSCE;

4.Considers that the creation of the CSCE as a regional agreement under Chapter VIII of the UN Charter has introduced an important link between European and world security, and that this ensures that peacekeeping operations undertaken under CSCE auspices and supported on a case-by-case basis by other institutions will be conducted in a climate of full respect for the principles of the UN Charter; believes that the CSCE cal also play a fundamental role in promoting the abolition of NBC weapons of mass destruction;

5.Reiterates the essential role of the human dimension and the need to give priority to the problems of refugees and displaced persons;

6.Calls on the next CSCE ministerial meeting in December 1992 to adopt the Franco-German proposal for the creation of a conciliation and settlements Court for the rapid and peaceful resolution of conflicts, and the British proposal for the adoption of a code of conduct governing security relations between Member States;

7.Welcomes the Community's coordinated proposals regarding crisis prevention and conflict resolution;

8.Considers the observer status attributed to Parliament in the CSCE Parliamentary Assembly to be unacceptable; recalls that the Community is among the signatories of the Paris Charter adopted in November 1990 and reiterates its firm determination to participate in the activities of the new CSCE parliamentary assembly; this matter concerns the Community institutions as a whole and is liable to affect the Community's relations with the CSCE should full participation not be guaranteed;

9.Calls, accordingly, for the Commission, as guarantor of the treaties and in its executive role, to make vigorous representations to the other signatories to the Charter of Paris to ensure full respect for the rights of Parliament in the CSCE Assembly;

10.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, Commission, EPC, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the governments and parliaments of the other CSCE member states and to the President of the CSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

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