1.Troika visit to Ankara and Turkish intervention in Iraq
B4-0636, 0644, 0684, 0716, 0723, 0726 and 0727/95
Resolution on the visit of the Troika to Ankara and the Turkish military intervention in northern Iraq
2.Situation in Burundi
B4-0631, 0637, 0643, 0689, 0717, 0722, 0724 and 0725/95
Resolution on the situation in Burundi
3.Supplementary budget 1/95
Resolution on draft supplementary and amending budget No 1 for the 1995 financial year - Section III - Commission
(WYNN report)
Resolution on draft supplementary and amending budget No. 1 for the financial year 1995: Section I - European Parliament, Ombudsman Annex, Section II - Council, Section IV - Court of Justice, Section V - Court of Auditors, Section VI - Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions
(DANKERT report)
4.Two or three-wheel motor vehicles ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on certain components or characteristics of two- or three-wheel motor vehicles (COM(93)0449 - C3-0507/93 - 00/0470(COD))
(BARTON report)
5.Cableway installations ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive relating to cableway installations designed to carry passengers (COM(93)0646 - C3-0039/94 -94/0011(COD))
Legislative resolution
(BREMOND d'ARS report)
6.Wine *
Proposal for a Council Regulation on reform of the common organization of the market in wine (COM(94)0117 - C4-0040/94 - 94/0107(CNS))
Legislative resolution
(FANTUZZI report)
7.Support programme for peace in Northern Ireland
Resolution on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on a special support programme for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and on the draft notice to the Member States laying down guidelines for an initiative in the framework of the special support programme for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland
(HUME report)
B4-0657, 0666, 0681, 0686, 0690, 0702 and 0711/95
Resolution on the situation in Algeria
Resolution on the international women's action against hunger in Bihac following the resumption of fighting in Bosnia
(b)B4-0671, 0683, 0693, 0698, 0701 and 0710/95
Resolution on the ominous developments in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo
10.Human rights
(a)B4-0622, 0663, 0713 and 0728/95
Resolution on human rights violations in Iran
(b)B4-0638, 0646 and 0660/95
Resolution on the impending executions in the USA
Resolution on the trial of 17 people in Georgia - Case No. 7493810
(d)B4-0669, 0679 and 0688/95
Resolution on the missing persons of the Cyprus tragedy
(e)B4-0685, 0703 and 0714/95
Resolution on the human rights situation in Armenia and the banning of the FRA Dashnaksutyun party
(f)B4-0664 and 0676/95
Resolution on complaints regarding human rights violations arising from the conflict between Peru and Ecuador
Resolution on the expulsion of Vietnamese immigrants from the EU
11.Schengen: Minimum requirements for right of asylum
B4-0648, 0655, 0678, 0694, 0700, 0707 and 0708/95
Resolution on the Schengen Agreement and political asylum
12.Safety of ships' crews
(a)B4-0649, 0652 and 0680/95
Resolution on the crew of the Bulgarian ship "Rotalia"
(b)B4-0687, 0697 and 0706/95
Resolution on the attack on an Italian fishing vessel by the Croatian coastguard authorities
13.Sugar *
Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulations (EEC) No 1785/81 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector and (EEC) No 1010/86 laying down general rules for the production refund on certain sugar products used in the chemical industry (COM(94)0439 - C4-0018/95 - 94/0248(CNS))
Legislative resolution