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Parlamento Europeo - 7 aprile 1995

1.Indian Ocean Tuna Commission * (Rule 52)


Proposal for a Council Decision on the accession of the Community to the Agreement creating the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (COM(94)0386 - C4-0181/94 -94/0206(CNS))

Legislative resolution


2.Fishing off Ivory Coast * (Rule 52)


Proposal for a Council Regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol establishing the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of the Republic of Ivory Coast on fishing off Ivory Coast for the period from 1 July 1994 to 30 June 1997 (COM(94)0385 - C4-0169/94 - 94/0202(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(ROUBATIS report)

3.Diseases affecting bivalve molluscs * (Rule 52)


Proposal for a Council Directive introducing minimum Community measures necessary for the control of diseases affecting bivalve molluscs (COM(94)0401 -C4-0183/94 - 94/0213(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(KOFOED report)

4.Statute of Court of Justice * (Rule 143)

Draft text amending Article 46 of the Statute (EC) of the Court of Justice (10259/94 - C4-0250/94 - 94/0924(CNS))

5.Kaleidoscope 2000 ***I


Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision establishing a programme to support artistic and cultural activities having a European dimension (Kaleidoscope 2000) (COM(94)0356 - C4-0197/94 - 94/0188(COD))

Legislative resolution

(AUGIAS report)

6.Ariane ***I


Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision establishing a support programme in the field of books and reading (Ariane) (COM(94)0356 - C4-0198/94 -94/0189(COD))

Legislative resolution

(MOUSKOURI report)

7.Partnership agreements with NIS

B4-0619, 0624, 0628, 0630 and 0634/95

Resolution on the partnership agreements with the NIS

8.Thermie II


Resolution on the Thermie II programme



Resolution on prospects for the future development of the shipbuilding industry

10.Broad economic policy guidelines


Resolution on the Commission's Annual Economic Report for 1995 (COM(94)0615 - C4-0277/94) and on the Council's report on the implementation of the broad economic policy guidelines (C4-0004/95)

(KATIFORIS report)

11.Telecommunications and cable television


Resolution on the Communication from the Commission "Green Paper on the liberalization of telecommunications infrastructure and cable television networks" (part one - principle and timetable) (COM(94)0440 - C4-0209/94)

(HENDRICK report)

12.Community aid for Madeira *


Proposal for a Council Decision relating to exceptional Community aid for the reconstruction of the areas stricken by the cyclone that hit Madeira in October 1993 (COM(94)0488 - C4-0268/94 - 94/0258(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(SPECIALE report)

13.Vehicle distribution and servicing agremeents


Resolution on the Commission regulation on the application of Article 85(3) to certain categories of motor vehicle distribution and servicing agreements

14.Fishery products from Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Guiana *


Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a system of compensation for the additional costs incurred in the marketing of certain fishery products from the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and the French department of Guiana as a result of their very remote location (COM(94)0473 - C4-0235/94 - 94/0255(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(COSTA NEVES report)

15.Statistics *


Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on Community action in the field of statistics (COM(94)0078 - C3-0231/94 - 94/0026(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(LULLING report)

16.Fresh meat *


Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 64/433/EEC on health conditions for the production and marketing of fresh meat (COM(94)0315 - C4-0122/94 - 94/0176(CNS))

Legislative resolution


17.Open skies agreements between Member States and US

B4-0640, 0641, 0718 and 0720/95

Resolution on the bilateral 'open skies' agreements concluded by the United States with several Member States

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