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Parlamento Europeo - 18 maggio 1995

1.Noise emitted by excavators ***III


Decision on the joint text of the Conciliation Committee for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 86/662/EEC on the limitation of noise emitted by hydraulic excavators, rope-operated excavators, dozers, loaders and excavator-loaders (C4-0163/95 - 00/0458(COD))

(Kenneth D. COLLINS report)

2.Prudential supervision ***III


Decision on the joint text of the Conciliation Committee for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directives 77/80/EEC and 89/646/EEC in the field of credit institutions, Directives 73/239/EEC and 92/49/EEC in the field of non-life insurance, Directives 79/267/EEC and 92/96/EEC in the field of life insurance, Directive 93/22/EEC in the field of investment firms and Directive 85/611/EEC in the field of undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (Ucits), with a view to reinforcing prudential supervision (C4-0164/95 - 00/0468(COD))

(JANSSEN van RAAY report)

3.Two- or three-wheel motor vehicles ***I


Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on certain components or characteristics of two- or three-wheel motor vehicles (COM(93)0449 - C3-0507/93 - 00/0470(COD))

Legislative resolution

(2nd BARTON report)

4.Agricultural prices *


I.Proposals for Council Regulations on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures (1995/1996) (COM(95)0034 - C4-0053/95 to C4-0081/95 - 95/0035 to 95/0055(CNS) and 95/0801 to 95/0808(CNS))

1.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 on the common organization of the market in cereals (COM(95)0034 - C4-0053/95 -95/0035(CNS))

Legislative resolution

2.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the monthly price increases for cereals for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0054/95 - 95/0036(CNS))

Legislative resolution

3.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1418/76 on the common organization of the market for rice (COM(95)0034 - C4-0055/95 -95/0037(CNS))

Legislative resolution

4.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the intervention price for paddy rice for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0056/95 - 95/0038(CNS))

Legislative resolution

5.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the monthly price increases for paddy rice and husked rice for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0057/95 - 95/0801(CNS))

Legislative resolution

6.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing certain sugar prices and the standard quality of beet for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0058/95 - 95/0039(CNS))

Legislative resolution

7.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the derived intervention prices for white sugar, the intervention price for raw sugar, the minimum prices for A and B beet and the amount of compensation for storage costs for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0059/95 - 95/0802(CNS))

Legislative resolution

8.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing, for the 1995/96 marketing year, the prices, aids and percentages of aid to be retained in the olive oil sector (COM(95)0034 - C4-0060/95 - 95/0040(CNS))

Legislative resolution

9.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the guide price for unginned cotton for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0061/95 - 95/0041(CNS))

Legislative resolution

10.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the minimum price for unginned cotton for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0062/95 - 95/0803(CNS))

Legislative resolution

11.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the aid for fibre flax and hemp and the amount withheld to finance measures to promote the use of flax fibre for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0063/95 - 95/0042(CNS))

Legislative resolution

12.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the aid in respect of silkworms for the 1995/96 rearing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0064/95 - 95/0043(CNS))

Legislative resolution

13.Proposal for a Council Regulation extending the 1994/95 milk year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0065/95 - 95/0804(CNS))

Legislative resolution

14.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products (COM(95)0034 - C4-0066/95 - 95/0044(CNS))

Legislative resolution

15.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the target price for milk and the intervention prices for butter and skimmed-milk powder for the period from 1 July 1995 to 30 June 1996 (COM(95)0034 - C4-0067/95 - 95/0045(CNS))

Legislative resolution

16.Proposal for a Council Regulation extending the 1994/95 marketing year in the beef and veal sector (COM(95)0034 - C4-0068/95 - 95/0805(CNS))

Legislative resolution

17.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the guide price for adult bovine animals for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0069/95 - 95/0806(CNS))

Legislative resolution

18.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the basic price and the seasonal adjustments to the basic price for sheepmeat for the 1996 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0070/95 - 95/0046(CNS))

Legislative resolution

19.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the basic price and defining the standard quality for pig carcases for the period 1 July 1995 to 30 June 1996 (COM(95)0034 - C4-0071/95 - 95/0047(CNS))

Legislative resolution

20.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the basic prices and buying-in prices applicable in the fruit and vegetables sector for the 1995/96 marketing year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0072/95 - 95/0048(CNS))

Legislative resolution

21.Proposal for a Council Regulation derogating, for the 1995/96 marketing year, from Regulation (EC) No 3119/93 laying down special measures to encourage the processing of certain citrus fruits (COM(95)0034 - C4-0073/95 - 95/0049(CNS))

Legislative resolution

22.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 on the common organization of the market in wine (COM(95)0034 - C4-0074/95 - 95/0050(CNS))

Legislative resolution

23.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the guide prices for wine for the 1995/96 wine year (COM(95)0034 - C4-0075/95 - 95/0051(CNS))

Legislative resolution

24.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2046/89 laying down general rules for distillation operations involving wine and the by-products of wine-making (COM(95)0034 - C4-0076/95 - 95/0807(CNS))

Legislative resolution

25.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2332/92 as regards sparkling wines produced in the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 4252/88 on the preparation and marketing of liqueur wines produced in the Community (COM(95)0034 - C4-0077/95 - 95/0052(CNS))

Legislative resolution

26.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1442/88 on the granting, for the 1988/89 to 1995/96 wine years, of permanent abandonment premiums in respect of wine-growing areas (COM(95)0034 - C4-0078/95 - 95/0053(CNS))

Legislative resolution

27.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2392/86 establishing a Community vineyard register (COM(95)0034 - C4-0079/95 - 95/0808(CNS))

Legislative resolution

28.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing, for the 1995 harvest, the premiums and guarantee thresholds for leaf tobacco by group of tobacco varieties (COM(95)0034 - C4-0080/95 - 95/0054(CNS))

Legislative resolution

29.Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the amounts of aid for seeds for the 1996/97 and 1997/98 marketing years (COM(95)0034 - C4-0081/95 - 95/0055(CNS))

Legislative resolution

II.Proposal for a Council Regulation extending to the periods 1991/92 and 1992/93 the increase adopted for the periods 1993/94 and 1994/95 in the total quantities fixed for Greece, Spain and Italy under the system for the additional levy in the milk and milk products sector (COM(95)0019 - C4-0050/95 - 95/0023(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(HAPPART report)

5.Common foreign and security policy


Resolution on progress in implementing the common foreign and security policy (November 1993 - December 1994)

(MATUTES report)

6.International standards for ship safety **II


Decision on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a Council Directive concerning the enforcement, in respect of shipping using Community ports and sailing in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Member States, of international standards for ship safety, pollution prevention and shipboard living and working conditions (port State control) (C4-0093/95 - 94/0068(SYN))

(JARZEMBOWSKI recommenation)

7.Trans-European energy and transport networks ***I/**I


Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision laying down a series of guidelines on trans-European energy networks (COM(93)0685 - C3-0084/94 -94/0009(COD))

Legislative resolution

(ADAM report)


Proposal for a Council Decision laying down a series of measures aimed at creating a more favourable context for the development of trans-European networks in the energy sector (COM(93)0685 - C3-0085/94 - 94/0010(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(ADAM report)


Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (COM(94)0106 - C4-0001/94 and COM(95)0048 - C4-0089/95 - 94/0098(COD))

Legislative resolution

(PIECYK report)

8.Former Yugoslavia

B4-0741, 0771, 0808, 0830, 0839 and 0844/95

Resolution on the situation in the former Yugoslavia

9.Sri Lanka

B4-0742, 0763, 0775, 0781, 0809 and 0833/95

Resolution on the breakdown of peace negotiations in Sri Lanka

10.Human rights

(a)B4-0753, 0773, 0789, 0794, 0804, 0810 and 0825/95

Resolution on the situation in Rwanda

(b)B4-0774, 0805, 0812, 0827 and 0840/95

Resolution on the human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea

(c)B4-0778, 0790, 0800, 0811, 0832 and 0841/95

Resolution on the murder in Pakistan of Iqbal Masih, symbol of the fight against child slavery

(d)B4-0768 and 0826/95

Resolution on Tibet

(e)B4-0744 and 0838/95

Resolution on the organisation by the Chinese Government of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing

(f)B4-0762, 0765, 0766 and 0816/95

Resolution on the kidnapping of Mr José María Aldaya Etxeburua by ETA


Resolution on the integration of handicapped children in the Brussels I European School

(h)B4-0754 and 0813/95

Resolution on support for Algerian women

(i)B4-0752, 0776, 0787, 0803 and 0818/95

Resolution on the elections in Guinea


(a)B4-0793, 0798 and 0802/95

Resolution on the outbreak of the Ebola virus in Zaire


Resolution on damage to crops in the department of Elide in Greece caused by hail, windstorms and frost

(c)B4-0772, 0806, 0820 and 0828/95

Resolution on the disastrous earthquake in western Macedonia in Greece

(d)B4-0751 and 0764/95

Resolution on the disastrous situation and frost damage in certain areas of Portugal


Resolution on the volcanic eruption on the island of Fogo (Republic of Cape Verde)

12.Moratorium on whaling

B4-0743, 0748, 0770, 0785, 0791, 0819, 0831 and 0843/95

Resolution on whale hunting and the next International Whaling Commission meeting

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