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Parlamento Europeo - 18 maggio 1995
Human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea

B4-0774, 0805, 0812, 0827 and 0840/95

Resolution on the human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea

The European Parliament,

-having regard to its previous resolutions on Equatorial Guinea,

-having regard to the resolution adopted by the ACP-EU Joint Assembly in Dakar in February 1995,

A.greatly concerned at the rate of progress of the democratic transition in Equatorial Guinea, given that the municipal elections scheduled to take place in May have yet to be held,

B.whereas Equatorial Guinea has signed the Fourth Lomé Convention, including Article 5 thereof which concerns respect for human rights,

C.concerned at the human rights violations and continuing obstacles to the democratization process, including the detention and torture of the opposition leaders Esono Michá (former director of the Bata military academy), Mesa Mbá, Esono Musie, Ayón Asomu, Oná Nsá, Oná Nquema, Nquema Nsé and Ndun Musié; whereas other opposition leaders have fled the country,

D.concerned at the extremely summary military trials to which they have been subjected and the sentences requested by the prosecutor, which range from 30 years' imprisonment in the case of Severo Moto with his being barred from political life and his party dissolved, to death penalties for some others and from 5 to 25 years' imprisonment for the remainder,

E.concerned that military courts in Equatorial Guinea are neither impartial nor independent and that the trial has not been conducted in accordance with due legal process,

1.Condemns the systematic violation of human rights, exemplified by the arrest, imprisonment and torture of members of the opposition on the eve of the municipal elections in May 1995;

2.Calls for an end to the repression of democratic opposition party leaders and activists and for the granting of a general amnesty applicable to all political prisoners, whether already sentenced or still awaiting trial, prior to the holding of elections;

3.Demands that the authorities of Equatorial Guinea show strict respect for human rights, particularly the right of association and freedom of speech, and speed up the establishment of democratic institutions governed by rule of law;

4.Demands that the recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur be implemented;

5.Demands that the undertakings given at the donors' meeting with the opposition and the countries in question in June 1994 be met;

6.Recalls its resolution of 16 March 1995 and considers that, since no progress has been made, cooperation with Equatorial Guinea should be suspended except for humanitarian aid;

7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Equatorial Guinea Joint Opposition Platform, the Government of Equatorial Guinea, the signatory states of the Lomé Convention and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.

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