B4-0754 and 0813/95
Resolution on support for Algerian women
The European Parliament,
-having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Algeria,
A.whereas Algerian women are the main victims of terrorism, both because hundreds of them have been killed and thousands of them have been widowed, often finding themselves without resources and with orphans,
B.noting the latest extremely serious threats made by the GIA (Armed Islamic Group), which is continuing to kill women and girls simply because of their sex and because they go out into the streets, go to school or work, are mothers, sisters and daughters, are married to government employees or dress in a particular way,
C.aware that the victims of this form of terrorist violence, especially women and those working for the media, are a challenge to the conscience of all of us who are fighting for freedom, equality, solidarity and respect for human rights, without any distinction based on race, sex or religion,
D.recognizing that Algerian society is based on Islam and Arab and Amazigh culture, and that all cultures must be respected and protected,
E.noting that this unequal terrorist struggle conceals great contempt for women, who are an extremely easy and defenceless target and are the main victims of their violence, executions and killings,
F.whereas the escalation of violence on the part of the GIA is becoming increasingly fanatical and intolerant, and the latest death threats against women show that its actions are only motivated by madness,
G.demanding that Algeria should not remain isolated in the serious situation which it is undergoing,
H.deeply concerned at the difficulties encountered by many Algerian women facing death threats in obtaining visas to enable them to seek temporary asylum in a Member State, on the grounds that their case is not covered by the Geneva Convention on refugees,
1.Expresses its support for Algerian women and their right to live in peace;
2.Reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in the face of the latest threats made by the GIA against women and the rapes and murders perpetrated by terrorist groups and those behind them;
3.Salutes the courage of the women of Algeria who are continuing their struggle against fundamentalism and any model of society which excludes them from social, economic and political life, and in favour of democracy and respect for basic human rights; considers that there can be no true democracy in Algeria unless women's rights are respected;
4.Calls on all European citizens, men, women, associations, pressure groups, organizations, regional and local authorities, parliaments and governments, to demonstrate their support and solidarity for Algerian women;
5.Calls on the Commission and Council to take steps to this effect and to consider Algeria as one of the priority areas for the common foreign and security policy;
6.Considers that priority should be given to cooperation between the European Union, the Member States and Algeria, and calls on the Commission to take special aid measures for the people of Algeria, particularly as regards health care and subsidized housing;
7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the Algerian Government.