Resolution on the Europol Convention
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the second paragraph of Article K.6 of the Treaty on European Union,
- having regard to the Council press release concerning the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs of 9 and 10 March 1995, and in particular its results regarding the Europol Convention,
- having regard to its resolution of 13 December 1994 on the progress made during 1994 in the implementation of cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs pursuant to Title VI of the Treaty on European Union,
- having regard to its resolution of 20 January 1994 on participation by the European Parliament in international agreements by the Member States and the Union on cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs,
A. whereas the Europol Convention, according to the declarations of intent made at the Essen Summit in December 1994, is supposed to be adopted in the first half of 1995,
B. whereas cooperation between the European Parliament and the Council in the context of Title VI of the Treaty on European Union requires detailed crystallization and clarification,
C. whereas the testing of forms of cooperation between the European Parliament and the Council may provide valuable insights for the updating of the Treaty on European Union,
D. whereas, in the context of international cooperation, Parliament will increasingly have to assume parliamentary scrutiny functions,
E. whereas Parliament's right to be involved, particularly with Council agreements, must be established or strengthened,
F. whereas Parliament's right to be involved may add a significant dimension to parliamentary scrutiny by the national parliaments,
1. Confirms that the drafting of the Europol Convention is one of the 'principal aspects of activities' provided for in the second paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU;
2. Considers, accordingly, that the Council Presidency must consult the European Parliament on the Europol Convention in accordance with the second paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU;
3. Emphasizes its claim for its views to be duly taken into consideration in the context of consultation pursuant to the second paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU;
4. Takes the view that the Council must satisfy the requirement duly to take the views of the European Parliament into consideration pursuant to the second paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU either by accepting the European Parliament's views or by giving detailed reasons for their rejection;
5. Considers, consequently, that consultation of the European Parliament on the draft Europol Convention must take place sufficiently in advance of the Council's deliberations to enable the European Parliament's views to be incorporated in the Council's decision;
6. Considers that consultation of the European Parliament must be preceded by the provision of comprehensive information in good time about the object of the consultation, as laid down in the first paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU;
7. Calls on the Council to furnish it forthwith with comprehensive information about the stage reached in negotiations on the draft Europol Convention and to lay that draft before it;
8. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council.