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Parlamento Europeo - 15 giugno 1995
Relations with Russian Federation and situation in Chechnya


Recommendation of the European Parliament to the Council on the development of relations with the Russian Federation and the situation in Chechnya

The European Parliament,

-having regard to Article J.7, second subparagraph, of the Treaty on European Union,

-having regard to Rule 92 of its Rules of Procedure,

-having regard to its resolutions of 15 December 1994, 19 January 1995, 16 February 1995 and 16 March 1995 on the situation in Chechnya,

-having regard to its resolution of 7 April 1995 on partnership agreements with the New Independent States (NIS),

-having regard to the Council's statements of 17 January 1995, 23 January 1995, 6 February 1995, 1 April 1995 and 19 April 1995 on Chechnya,

-having regard to the conclusions contained in the report of its delegation for relations with Russia and the ad hoc delegation which visited Ingushetia and Chechnya on 22-23 March 1995,

-having regard to the proposal for a recommendation by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy (A4-0134/95/rev.),

A.desirous of supporting the forces that continue to advocate the perpetuation of the democratic reforms in Russia and the political and economic opening up of this country,

B.deploring the fact that the war in Chechnya is strengthening the positions of those calling into question political and economic reforms and encouraging traditional isolationist tendencies in Russia,

C.whereas the Russian Federation must not feel that its territorial integrity is under threat; whereas, however, the preservation of this integrity cannot justify the use of any means,

D.having regard to the horrifying and widespread human rights violations in Chechnya, which are the outcome of the indiscriminate use of armed force crushing everything in its path and principally affecting the civilian population, in contravention of Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocol No 2, while the Russian authorities have made no serious attempt to engage in political dialogue with the Chechen independence movement,

E.whereas the Russian Federation's nationalities policy contains the seeds of a possible extension of conflicts to other parts of the Federation,

F.whereas Russia is a party to the texts adopted within the CSCE/OSCE framework, from the Helsinki agreements to the Budapest declaration, and has also undertaken, vis-à-vis the European Union, to respect human rights and democratic principles by signing the partnership agreement,

1.Condemns in the strongest terms the attacks against civilians in Chechnya as a violation of fundamental human rights;

2.Affirms that any settlement of the conflict in Chechnya must be achieved principally through political dialogue, that any use of armed force should be strictly in keeping with the provisions of the OSCE Code of Conduct approved by Russia at the Budapest Summit (5-6 December 1994) and Additional Protocol No 2 to the 1949 Geneva Convention and that the troops of the Russian Federation should therefore be withdrawn;

3.Considers that the course chosen by the Russian Federation and Tatarstan of negotiating a settlement can be utilized in the context of other zones of potential conflict between the centre and the regions in Russia;

4.Believes that:

(a)the European Union's contribution to humanitarian assistance for the victims of the Chechen conflict should be continued and substantially increased, particularly in regard to medical equipment and aid for reconstruction purposes,

(b)the European Union's humanitarian aid should be more visible and the Commission should seek ways of cooperating with the Russian authorities on certain targeted projects, such as physical support for the return of the refugees;

5.Recommends that the Council:

(a)protest in the strongest terms to the Russian Government and publicize and explain this protest as necessary,

(b)delay both the approval of the interim agreement and the ratification of the partnership and cooperation agreement with Russia until the gross violation of human rights has come to an end and a start has been made towards a political solution in Chechnya,

(c)make it clear that the violation of human rights by the Russian Federation is seriously eroding democratic support for financial and economic assistance to the Federation and therefore putting it at risk,

(d)call upon the Russian Federation to resume relations based on the shared principles of the United Nations Charter and the OSCE and on mutual trust so as to establish the partnership formally signed in Corfu on 24 June 1994,

(e)use its influence with the two parties to achieve a lasting and unconditional ceasefire and the opening of negotiations to achieve a political settlement of the conflict,

(f)continue its efforts to pursuade the Russian authorities to allow the OSCE Assistance Group in Chechnya to fulfil its mission, and encourage the OSCE to develop a mediating role to help bring about a political solution,

(g)endeavour, in cooperation with the OSCE mission and the federal and local authorities, to establish an ombudsman system for the civilian population and effective machinery for identifying and prosecuting those responsible for the human rights violations,

(h)support the sending of observers from the European Parliament to free elections in Chechnya, should they take place,

(i)provide for a joint action for the observation of the elections which the President of the Russian Federation has announced will be held on 14 December 1995 and involve the European Parliament fully in this action;

6.Instructs its President to forward this recommendation to the Council and, for information, to the Commission.

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