B4-0864, 0872, 0886, 0904, 0908 and 0917/95
Resolution on taking the environment into account at the G7 Summit in Halifax (15-17 June 1995)
The European Parliament,
A.noting with satisfaction that the environment will be one of the questions dealt with by the G7 at the Halifax Summit,
B.recalling the decision taken by the G7 meeting in Naples in July 1994 to provide financial assistance for the closure of the Chernobyl plant,
C.whereas the definition of a new approach to growth and economic development is now essential and must involve either governments or the international financial and trade institutions,
D.having regard to the objectives of Agenda 21 of Rio de Janeiro with regard to the incorporation of environmental aspects in all other policies and the responsibility of the richest countries for promoting sustainable development,
1.Urges the Commission and the Member States to ensure that the G7 confirms and acts upon the commitments given by the Ministers for Environment in Hamilton, by adopting a global strategy in order to integrate the environment into decision-making procedures, particularly for the granting of loans or aid financed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank;
2.Asks the Commission and the Member States to expend sufficient effort in order to convince the main contributors to the alarming situation concerning climatic changes due to CO2 emissions;
3.Asks the Commission and the Member States to draw the attention of the G7 to the need simply to increase its financial aid to the Ukraine on condition that the Ukranian President respects his commitment to close down the Chernobyl plant by the year 2000, through a rigorous closing-down procedure including a binding timetable;
4.Asks the Commission and the Member States, further, to include in this plan the provision of the necessary infrastructure for storage and treatment of radioactive waste, which will be particularly dangerous following the decommissioning of the plant;
5.Reaffirms strongly its position adopted within the framework of the 1995 budget that part of the European Union's financial aid to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe should be used to close down nuclear plants of a similar type to Chernobyl, and consequently insists that the G7 promotes measures for energy saving and energy sufficiency;
6.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the governments of the Member States, the Heads of Government of the G7 and the Ministers of the Environment, of Energy and of the Economy of the most industrialized countries.