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Parlamento Europeo - 15 giugno 1995
Human rights situation in Burma (Myanmar)

B4-0859, 0887, 0916, 0919 and 0935/95

Resolution on the human rights situation in Burma (Myanmar) and the release of Mrs Aung San Suu Kyi

The European Parliament,

A.recalling that Aung San Suu Kyi, principal leader of the Burmese opposition which won the 1990 election with an overwhelming majority, winner of the Nobel Peace prize and the Sakharov Prize in 1991, has been detained, without trial, under house arrest since July 1989,

B.whereas, according to the existing law imposed by the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), which limits detention without trial to 5 years, Aung San Suu Kyi should have been released in July 1994,

C.alarmed by the fact that the time of her detention has already been changed from three to five years by a 'retroactive modification' of the law,

D.seriously concerned that, since April 1995, all visits from, or contacts with her family have been refused, as have visits even of a humanitarian nature,

E.shocked by the latest statements made by Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt, member of SLORC to the effect that the imprisonment of Mrs Suu Kyi is a condition for peace in Myanmar and that she will not be released unless she agrees to leave the country,

F.appalled by the report of the UN Special Rapporteur in February of this year condemning the military regime of Burma for its continued application of torture, slavery, expulsion and political suppression, according to a number of reports by human rights organizations, in particular Amnesty International,

G.shocked by reports giving evidence of the alleged hundreds of thousands of Burmese citizens being forced into brutal slave labour by the government, confirmed by the report of an ILO commission presented to the World Labour Conference in Geneva on 7 June 1995,

1.Firmly condemns the lengthy detention of Aung San Suu Kyi, who is undergoing punishment for political reasons and insists on her immediate and unconditional release;

2.Utterly condemns the continuing gross human rights violations by the Burmese regime;

3.Calls on the Council and the governments of the Member States to investigate possible cooperation between companies of the European Union in Burmese projects applying forced labour and examine the desirability of imposing economic sanctions;

4.Invites the Council and the Commission to exert pressure on the Burmese military government so as to obtain guarantees for the respect of human rights, and insists that no assistance be given by the European Union and its Member States to any projects in Burma unless and until Aung San Suu Kyi has been released and civil liberties fully restored;

5.Appeals to the governments of ASEAN to adopt a similar policy towards SLORC;

6.Calls on the Rangoon military junta to respect the results of the elections on 27 May 1990 and set up a civilian government led by Mrs Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy;

7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States, the government of Myanmar/SLORC, the UN Secretary-General, the Secretariat of the ILO and the Secretariat-General of ASEAN.

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