Resolution on the inhuman treatment of prisoners in the state of Alabama in the United States
The European Parliament,
A.alarmed at the spectacularly regressive step taken by the Governor of the State of Alabama in chaining up prisoners who are habitual offenders and who are already forced to work on public roads for the dual purpose of economizing on staff and tackling recidivism,
B.aware that the return of chain-gangs is humiliating for these prisoners,
C.convinced that recidivism should never be tackled by imposing cruel punishments on prisoners, which is, moreover, prohibited by the constitution of the United States,
D.concerned at the example which this measure could set for other states, several of which have recently implemented a series of measures in their prisons which have already resulted in poorer living conditions for prisoners,
E.stressing the dangerous way things are going in the United States, which is constantly endeavouring to renew its arsenal of punishments for criminals,
1.Calls on the Governor of the State of Alabama to suspend application of this measure immediately and definitively;
2.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the government of the State of Alabama, the President of the United States and the governments of the Member States.