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Parlamento Europeo - 16 giugno 1995
The kidnapping of EU citizens in Kashmir

B4-1010, 1024 and 1032/95

Resolution on the kidnapping of EU citizens in Kashmir

The European Parliament,

A.shocked by the kidnapping of seven foreign tourists and their guide near Pahalgam in Kashmir on 4 July 1995,

B.noting that a hitherto unknown group, calling itself Al Faran, claimed both the kidnapping and the subsequent release of three tourists, as well as the guide, and that, while one of the remaining captives escaped his abductors, yet another tourist was subsequently kidnapped,

C.deeply concerned that two British tourists, Paul Wells and Keith Mangan, a German tourist, Dirk Hasert, and the remaining American tourist, Donald Hutchinson, are still being held captive under unknown circumstances,

D.noting that both India and Pakistan have expressed regret over the incident, while many of the main Kashmiri militant groups have condemned these kidnappings,

E.aware that, in the continuing struggle between Kashmiri militant groups and the Indian security forces since 1989, abuses of human rights have continued to occur,

F.welcoming the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and the International Committee of the Red Cross on access to detainees on 22 June 1995,

1.Condemns the kidnapping of foreign tourists by the Al Faran group;

2.Calls on the Al Faran group to release the remaining captives unconditionally and without delay;

3.Calls on the governments of India and Pakistan and the many political movements in Jammu and Kashmir to refrain from making any declaration or acting in any way which might further exacerbate the climate of violence and vengeance and considers that the present crisis in Kashmir can only be resolved through constructive negotiations, involving all parties concerned, aiming at a peaceful settlement and reconciliation on all sides and the restoration of a government based on democratic legitimacy;

4.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council and the governments of India and Pakistan.

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