1.Recording equipment in road transport **I
Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) 3821/85 and Council Directive 88/599/EEC on recording equipment in road transport (COM(94)0323 - C4-0125/94 - 94/0187(SYN))
Legislative resolution
2.Transport of dangerous goods by rail **I
Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by rail (COM(94)0573 - C4-0131/95 - 94/0284(SYN))
Legislative resolution
3.Carriage of goods by road **I
Proposal for a Council Directive on the use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road (COM(95)0002 - C4-0097/95 - 95/0012(SYN))
Legislative resolution
4.Fisheries agreement with Morocco
B4-0988, 1000, 1001, 1046 and 1049/95
Resolution on the fisheries agreement between the European Union and Morocco
5.Population and environmental policies
Resolution on the integration of population and environmental policies and programmes
Resolution on a coherent employment strategy for the European Union
(COATES report)
7.Job transfers and losses in the European Union
B4-0966, 0977, 0999, 1005 and 1038/95
Resolution on relocations and job losses in the European Union, with particular reference to Lee Europe in Ypres
8.International criminal court
B4-0975, 0982, 0994, 1008, 1021, 1037 and 1042/95
Resolution the need to establish a permanent international court to try and punish war crimes and crimes against humanity and the operation of the ad hoc courts on the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda
9.Human rights
(a)B4-1010, 1024 and 1032/95
Resolution on the kidnapping of EU citizens in Kashmir
Resolution on discrimination against the Roma
Resolution on the protection of minority rights and human rights in Romania
(d)B4-1013 and 1026/95
Resolution on the detention of Mr Harry Wu
(e)B4-0978 and 1036/95
Resolution on the situation in Mexico
(f)B4-0949, 0970, 0993 and 0996/95
Resolution on the trial of eight Saharan demonstrators in Morocco
(g)B4-0997 and 1023/95
Resolution on Sudan
Resolution on discriminatory treatment on the grounds of nationality for foreign language teachers ('lettori') at Verona University (Italy), in violation of Article 48 of the EEC Treaty
B4-0963, 0979, 0983, 1003, 1007 and 1011/95
Resolution on the situation in Tibet and the disappearance of the six-year old Panchen Lama
(a)B4-0965 and 0998/95
Resolution on the storm which devastated the island of Flores (Azores)
Resolution on fires in the occupied territory of Cyprus
Resolution on the drought in some parts of southern Europe
(d)B4-0981 and 1030/95
Resolution on damage caused by storms in various Spanish regions
(e)B4-0989, 1018 and 1031/95
Resolution on ozone smog in summer
B4-1067, 1068, 1069 and 1071/95
Resolution on Srebrenica