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Archivio PE
Parlamento Europeo - 13 luglio 1995
Fisheries agreement with Morocco

B4-0988, 1000, 1001, 1046 and 1049/95

Resolution on the fisheries agreement between the European Union and Morocco

The European Parliament,

A.whereas negotiations on a new fisheries agreement between the European Union and Morocco have been continuing for several months,

B.whereas the parties have so far failed to reach a compromise that would enable the negotiations to be concluded in the near future,

C.having regard to the efforts made to date by the Commission to fulfil its negotiating mandate at a moment when the Community has made concessions including the reduction of the previous agreement by one year, while Morocco has not abided by its undertaking to accelerate talks with a view to concluding the new fisheries agreement as swiftly as possible,

D.whereas the EU wishes to encourage the conclusion of a satisfactory agreement corresponding to its present commitment to a new and reinforced policy of association with Morocco, and whereas the fisheries agreement should be considered from the viewpoint of the EU's overall relations with Morocco,

E.whereas the agreements reached at the Cannes European Council concerning increased funding for Mediterranean third countries offer excellent prospects for achieving improvements in the proposed agreements,

F.whereas the agreement is a matter of considerable importance for the Community fishing fleet on account of the number of vessels involved, in particular Spanish and Portuguese vessels, and the related employment levels in the sector,

G.whereas the agreement is of major importance from the socio-economic point of view since, in addition to the 8000 fishermen in employment, a further 20 000 people work in the processing industry (which is directly dependent on fishing activity) in regions which are highly dependent on the fisheries sector,

H.whereas the basic position of Morocco proposes reductions in fishing rights with particular regard to the cephalopod, northern trawler and longline fleets, a ban on using encircling nets to catch black and demersal hake, the compulsory landing in Moroccan ports of the total catch of crustaceans and cephalopods and part of the catch brought in by longliners, a 35% increase in the number of Moroccan seamen taken on as crew members and the requirement to hold a licence as well as pay levies,

I.whereas the fishing grounds concerned are used not only by the Community fleet but also by other countries, with serious effects on Mediterranean fishery resources,

J.whereas, in keeping with the line repeatedly taken by Parliament, fisheries agreements must constitute a basis for rational management of resources and their environmental stability, contain measures to develop research and aquaculture, and, by creating opportunities for partnerships and joint ventures, promote the development of small-scale operations and processing, whether these form an integral part of or are complementary to the sector,

K.whereas, furthermore, the Mediterranean areas to be covered in the agreement also need to be considered from the point of view of future moves to establish a specific policy on Mediterranean fisheries,

L.whereas the EU's relations with Morocco extend far beyond the fisheries sector, as demonstrated by the cooperation agreement, the future association agreement and the recent agreement on financial cooperation with the Mediterranean region, under which a total of ECU 4.685 billion will be allocated for the 1995-99 five-year period, and whereas, therefore, these relations constitute a whole which should be assessed as such,

1.Is highly concerned at the deadlock in the negotiations as a result of the Moroccans' intransigence and is therefore also concerned for the Community fleet, which has had to remain in port for over two months;

2.Considers it necessary to create a climate of trust with Morocco, and that Morocco should adopt a more flexible position on the basis of terms acceptable to the EU and its fleets;

3.Calls for a maximum deadline of four months to be set in which to seek a permanent solution to the matter, either through the conclusion of a new fisheries agreement or through an emergency programme drawn up by the Commission in order to provide aid for the restructuring of the sector concerned;

4.Calls on the Commission to consider whether it might implement special structural, social and financial support measures, taking into account the difficult situation facing the fishermen;

5.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission and Council.

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