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Parlamento Europeo - 14 luglio 1995
Interministerial conference on the environment


Resolution on the Ministerial Environment Conference in Sofia in October 1995

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the motion for a resolution by Mr Collins and others on the Ministerial Environment Conference in Sofia in October 1995 (B4-0439/94),

-having regard to the outcome of the Rio Conference on Environment and Development, and especially Agenda 21, the Climate Convention and the Convention on Biodiversity,

-having regard to its resolution of 25 June 1993 on the results of the pan-European Environmental Ministers Conference in Lucerne (28 to 30 April 1993),

-having regard to Article 130r(2) of the EC Treaty, which requires environmental policy to be taken into account in all other Union policies,

-having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

-having regard to the report of its committee on the Environment, Public health and Consumer Protection (A4-0172/95),

A.whereas the 'Environment for Europe' process provides a unique opportunity for Environment Ministers from the whole region covered by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) to discuss and agree on the implementation of Agenda 21 at pan-European level and the joint efforts needed from this region to contribute to sustainable development throughout the world,

B.whereas the 'Environment for Europe process' is an important element in the development of the Central and Eastern European countries and the Commnwealth of Independent States (CIS), since it helps them to avoid the mistakes western countries have made in their economic development, mistakes which will now cost many times what preventive action would have cost,

C.whereas the European Union should adopt a leadership role in the Environment for Europe process and should ensure that all projects funded under its PHARE and TACIS programmes fully reflect environmental considerations from the outset;

D.whereas the role of the parliaments in the 'Environment for Europe' process of the Central and Eastern Euroepan countries and CIS must be strengthened,

E.whereas open democratic procedures in environmental decision-making (e.g. environmental impact assessment and access to environmental information) are of the utmost importance since they are a prerequisite for acceptance by the citizens of the Western, Central and Eastern European countries and the CIS of the decisions taken;


1.Considers that the Commission and EU Member States should seek to make 'Environment for Europe' an ongoing process;

2.Is of the opinion that every new association or cooperation agreement the Union concludes with Central and Eastern European countries and the CIS should reflect the requirements of Articles 130r, 130s and 130t of the EC Treaty;

3.Calls on the Member States and the Commission to play a sincere part in the 'Sofia process' and strongly disapproves of the attitude of some Member States, which seem to be more interested in their (environmental) industries' exports of products and equipment than in the well-being of the people and environment in the Central, Eastern European countries and the CIS;

Agreements to be adopted

4.Calls on the Ministers present in Sofia to instruct the EAP (Environmental Action Programme) task force to ensure that the Environment Programme for Europe is integrated into non-environmental policies and project funding;

5.Urges that the Pan-European Landscape and Biological Diversity Strategy be adopted and incorporated into national and EU policy and law as soon as possible after the Conference;

6.Is of the opinion that the Environment Programme for Europe should be approved at the Sofia Conference and that it should be an imaginative, action-oriented and ambitious blueprint for sustainability in Europe;

7.Requests that the Draft Guidelines on Access to Environmental Information be reinforced by taking relevant comments into account with a view to making them a strong tool for democracy and effective environmental decision-making and urges the participating countries to begin negotiating on a European Convention on Access to Environmental Information;

8.Urges in particular that it be ensured that the obligations set out in the Guidelines on Access to Environmental Information:

-cover information on the impact of environmental degradation on human health;

-cover all public bodies holding environmental information (and not only those responsible for environmental policy);

-cover private bodies having public responsibilities;

-also cover parliaments;

-include an effective deadline for providing information, or for stating why access to information is denied;

The project

9.Calls on the Union's budgetary authority, the governments of the Member States, the governments of the participating countries and the governments of the USA, Canada and Japan to provide more funds for the 'Environment for Europe' process in order to speed up concrete action following the promises they have made;

10.Calls on the Western, Central and Eastern European countries and the CIS to adopt a more transparent attitude towards information on project selection, environmental impact assessment procedures and the monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes;

The follow-up to the Conference

11.Calls on the Commission to present to the European Parliament and the Council an annual report on how the Commission has contributed to the Environment for Europe Process;

12.Calls on the governments of the Central and Eastern European countries and the CIS to incorporate National Environmental Action Plans into their general policy plans;

13.Calls on the governments of the Central and Eastern European countries and the CIS when implementing the PHARE and TACIS programmes to ensure that at least 30% of applications relate to environmental protection projects;

14.Calls on the Ministers present in Sofia to decide that future progress should be the subject of broad consultations at national level, involving parliaments, environmental organizations and the business sector, and that these consultations should begin immediately;

Final remarks

15.Emphasizes that the Environment and Health Action Programme adopted at the WHO conference at Helsinki in June 1994 should complement the Environment for Europe process;

16.Stresses the need for the TEMPUS programme to increase its efforts in the field of education and training in environmental occupations for the Central and Eastern European countries and the CIS;

17.Asks the European Environment Agency to establish a system for exchanging information on environmental legislation and policies throughout Europe;

18.Urges the participating governments to endeavour to integrate environmental aspects more effectively in the decision-making procedures of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the EBRD;

19.Supports the creation of a regional environmental centre or centres for the CIS;

20.Calls on the national parliaments of all the countries of the UN-ECE area to speed up the ratification of environmental conventions;

21.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, all the governments and other parties attending the Sofia Conference, the secretariat of the Conference (the UN-ECE Secretariat) and the European Environment Agency.

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