1.Situation in Bosnia
B4-1188, 1189, 1190, 1192, 1193 and 1196/95
Resolution on the situation in former Yugoslavia
2.World conference on women
Resolution on the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing: Equality, Development and Peace
3.Automobile industry
Resolution on the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on "The Automobile Industry - Current Situation, Challenges, Strategy for the Future and Proposals for Action"
(Alan J. DONNELLY report)
4.Interchange of data between administrations
Resolution on the legal basis of the draft Council Decision adopting a multiannual Community programme to support the implementation of trans-European networks for the interchange of data between administrations (IDA) (COM(93)0069 - C3-0164/93 - 94/0527(SYN) and C4-0121/95)
(READ report)
5.Machinery construction
Resolution on the communication from the Commission 'Strengthening the competitiveness of the European machinery construction industry' (COM(94)0380 -C4-0216/94)
(GARC A ARIAS report)
6.Immigration and asylum
Resolution on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on immigration and asylum policies (COM(94)0023 - C3-0107/94)
(WIEBENGA report)
7.Situation in Rwanda and Burundi
B4-1104, 1105, 1106, 1110, 1111, 1119, 1137, 1138, 1152, 1165 and 1178/95
Resolution on the situation in the Great Lakes region of Africa and particularly in Burundi and Rwanda
8.Terrorism in France
B4-1121, 1141, 1148, 1153, 1160 and 1176/95
Resolution on terrorism in France
9.Human rights
(a)B4-1151, 1161, 1180 and 1181/95
Resolution on the sentence to death in the United Arab Emirates of Sarah Balabagan
(b)B4-1133, 1156 and 1157/95
Resolution on human rights violations in East Timor and Indonesia
Resolution on unfair trials in Kenya
Resolution on the persecution of Mr Vladimir Orekhov
(e)B4-1112, 1140 and 1167/95
Resolution on the imprisonment of Mr Medhi Zana
Resolution on the case of Mr Mumia Abu-Jamal in the US
(g)B4-1113 and 1150/95
Resolution on support for the Network of Cities of Asylum
10.Company relocations in the European Union
B4-1123, 1135, 1146, 1177 and 1182/95
Resolution on relocation of companies within the EU
(a)B4-1114, 1164 and 1179/95
Resolution on the disastrous fires in Greece in the summer of 1995
(b)B4-1115, 1117, 1124, 1159 and 1179/95
Resolution on forest fires in the Canary Islands, Minorca and Tarragona
Resolution on the wave of forest fires in Portugal
Resolution on fires in Greece, Italy and Portugal
(e)B4-1118 and 1175/95
Resolution on the mining disaster in Asturias, Spain
Resolution on the severe storms in southern Chile
(g)B4-1130, 1131, 1139, 1154, 1166 and 1171/95
Resolution on the damage caused in the Antilles by hurricanes Luis and Marilyn
(h)B4-1149 and 1162/95
Resolution on the floods which have affected numerous regions of Italy
Resolution on storm damage in the north-east and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland