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Parlamento Europeo - 22 settembre 1995
European civilian service scheme


Resolution on the establishment of European civilian service

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the Commission's reply of 22 September 1995 to Oral Question B4-0586/95,

-having regard to the ideas outlined by the Member of the Commission, Mrs Cresson, to the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media on 23 March 1995 and to the Youth Council on 31 March 1995,

-having regard to its resolution of 19 January 1994 on conscientious objection in the Member States of the Community,

-having regard to its resolution of 17 May 1995 on the functioning of the Treaty on European Union with a view to the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference - Implementation and development of the Union,

A.whereas there is a need to help set up an effective common policy for young citizens of the European Union by defining and implementing such ideas in practical terms,

B.whereas many European countries have already introduced in their legislation the option to substitute civilian service for military service,

C.whereas the end of the division of Europe into two blocs and the development of increasingly close cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe poses new demands and challenges for the European Union,

D.whereas there is a growing need for significant action on behalf of the developing countries,

E.whereas, in paragraph 7 of its abovementioned resolution of 19 January 1994, it called on the Commission to put forward a proposal for the establishment of a European civilian service open to both conscientious objectors and volunteers from the Member States,

1.Calls on the Commission to draw up and submit to Parliament and the Council a communication on setting up European civilian service, in order to open up full consultation with the non-governmental organizations concerned and initiate thinking on the practical means for its implementation; calls also on the Commission to ensure that such service is entirely voluntary and to draw up a special legal status for volunteers;

2.Considers that the creation of European civilian service cannot take the place of national forms of statutory military service or civilian service; considers, however, that this special European Union measure on behalf of young people of both sexes should be compatible with national civilian service and should be coordinated with service of this kind;

3.Considers that this measure, which should apply to young people of either sex, could consolidate and complement exchanges between young Union citizens, which are expanding considerably through the Socrates and Youth for Europe programmes, and should give specific attention and priority of access to European civilian service for young people with disadvantaged social backgrounds; in order to achieve this objective it is necessary to take measures adapted to the most disadvantaged young people in terms of information, access, preparation and follow-up;

4.Suggests that the Commission consider the desirability of launching pilot projects, for instance in the fields of working with young people and marginal groups, and activities for the environment and culture, and the promotion of tolerance, peace and international solidarity;

5.Considers that, in the light of the information acquired through consultation on the Commission communication and the results of the pilot projects, the Union's institutions should be able to examine the possibility of establishing a permanent Community instrument endowed with adequate legal and financial resources;

6.Calls on the Commission to draw up a document for the formal recognition of participation in European civilian service;

7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

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