Resolution on the Mediterranean policy of the European Union with a view to the Barcelona Conference
The European Parliament,
-having regard to its resolution of 17 May 1991 on the role of Europe in relation to security in the Mediterranean,
-having regard to its resolution of 12 July 1991 on a revamped Mediterranean policy,
-having regard to its resolution of 29 September 1994 on the Mediterranean policy of the European Union,
-having regard to its resolution on the European Council in Cannes of 13 June 1995,
-having regard to the conclusions of the European Councils in Lisbon, Corfu, Essen and Cannes,
-having regard to the communications from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament entitled "Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union: establishing a Euro-Mediterranean partnership" (COM(94)0427 - C4-0213/94) and "Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union: proposals for implementing a Euro-Mediterranean partnership" (COM(95)0072 - C4-0119/95),
-having regard to the Council decision to convene a conference between the EU and Mediterranean countries on 27 and 28 November 1995 in Barcelona,
-having regard to the position of the European Union on the Euro-Mediterranean Conference in Barcelona established by the Cannes European Council,
-having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy (A4-0232/95),
A.recognizing the need to create a new framework for closer cooperation between the European Union and the Maghreb, Mashrek and south-east Mediterranean countries,
B.accepting that a new political and economic cooperation initiative by the European Union may help to stabilize some of these countries,
C.whereas numerous factors creating political, religious, economic, social and military instability are accumulating at the southern and south-eastern borders of the EU and it is therefore the EU's urgent task to influence this dangerous development in a positive way by having a global and coherent Mediterranean policy and by establishing relations of a new kind based on mutually advantageous cooperation, solidarity, peace and security,
D.mindful of the EU's successful action to stabilize the central, eastern and south-eastern European countries and the new independent states of the former Soviet Union (in particular through the PHARE and TACIS programmes) and the common political interest of the EU and the Mediterranean countries that this policy should be continued and supplemented with similar action covering the EU's southern neighbours,
E.mindful of the fact that peace, stability and security are the basic preconditions for stable and sustainable economic development and that this in turn is a condition for the settlement of the region's numerous and extensive troubles, which include economic and social tensions,
F.convinced that the Barcelona Conference might open the door to a new phase in relations between the EU and the Mediterranean countries and lay the foundations for lasting rapprochement, cooperation and mutual trust in the region with a view to reducing inequalities between the two shores of the Mediterranean basin and migratory flows, promoting social and cultural development, improving the environment and supporting regional integration,
G.having regard to the positive role played by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, set up in the years of the Cold War, which helped to promote dialogue, mutual understanding and confidence-building between the existing two blocs,
H.whereas coordination is necessary between the various levels and areas of trans-Mediterranean cooperation, and whereas the Barcelona Conference might contribute to building suitable links and structures, thus consolidating a flexible, pragmatic and comprehensive framework which would enable the various problems and opportunities to be approached in a coherent manner,
I.considering the environmental situation of the Mediterranean area as highly critical, emphasizing the need to tackle this emergency and recalling that in June 1995 the ministers responsible for the environment in the Mediterranean countries and the Commissioner responsible for environmental issues met in Barcelona within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan for the adoption of Phase II with new stringent commitments for the region,
J.whereas the organization which will be created by the Barcelona Conference will be required to give priority to environmental protection and development cooperation,
1.Congratulates the Commission on its communications on Mediterranean policy and calls on it to publish a supplementary communication on security aspects in the region which could be the basis for a joint action of the Council pursuant to Article J.8(3) of the TEU and also to take account of the resolutions adopted by the EP on this matter;
2.Considers that everything to do with the European Union's participation in the Conference and the follow-up thereto should be the subject of an action based on Article J.3 of the TEU;
3.Congratulates the European Council on the position of the European Union concerning the Euro-Mediterranean Conference established by the European Councils of Lisbon, Corfu, Essen and - especially - Cannes, above all as regards political cooperation and security, since it considers a debate on these issues to be essential for the success of the Conference;
4.Calls on the Commission to undertake the necessary studies on the implications for the Mediterranean regions of the Union of the new multilateral and bilateral institutional framework and to indicate the adjustments needed;
5.Recommends to the Council Presidency that it take a decisive stand in discussions on the defining values of the European Union such as human rights, democracy, social justice and the rule of law, while at the same time being careful to take account of the ideas and values of our future partners so as to achieve a fruitful and useful debate which will promote mutual understanding, tolerance and respect for political and social pluralism;
6.Believes that the Union must develop a global strategy for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation based on the following three pillars: firstly, that of harmonizing among themselves the various policies envisaged in the TEU which could be applicable to this region; secondly, that of supplementing the bilateral policies of the EU Member States with a multilateral framework agreement; and thirdly, that of maintaining, in a specific and differentiated manner, great flexibility in applying these policies according to developments in the situation in the possible partner countries; calls on the Commission to submit a new Communication including, if appropriate, a draft of the above-mentioned multilateral framework agreement;
7.Considers the creation of a free-trade area in the region, without prejudice to bilateral agreements between the EU and each Mediterranean state, to be a worthwhile aim with a view to promoting the diverse interests of those involved but points out that, in connection with the economic restructuring which this requires, compensatory measures must be planned in good time in order to offset any rise in unemployment following privatizations;
8.Recalls that attracting investment to the region depends, above all, on the application of market-based economic policies, the existence of a streamlined, honest and efficient public administration and improvements to infrastructures and educational and health facilities; in this context calls on the European Union to implement cooperation programmes with its Mediterranean partners similar to the PHARE and TACIS programmes;
9.Is convinced that the Conference called on 27 and 28 November 1995 in Barcelona will provide the spark which will bring the partnership to life at regional level, involving the entire Mediterranean region, and therefore calls on the Council Presidency to prepare the Conference with all due care in line with that objective;
10.Considers that the Conference should not confine itself to analysing political, economic, social or security aspects but should pay special attention to the cultural, spiritual and moral dimension of human relations in the Mediterranean basin;
11.Draws the attention of the Spanish Presidency to the vital importance of choosing the right participants, which is the Council's responsibility, and defines the criteria as follows:
-the 15 Member States of the EU and the states of the south and south-east Mediterranean which have signed cooperation agreements with the EEC should be invited to attend as full participants,
-the Council should invite other states as observers in accordance with its own criteria and terms;
considers that the Council must define the detailed rules for the participation of the observers;
12.Stresses that for now the participation of further interested parties is not desirable because the Conference is only just getting under way, and expects the Spanish Presidency to restrict itself to the above list of participants;
13.Believes that the Barcelona Conference should give rise to a permanent and flexible framework in order to start a long-lasting Helsinki-like process where all the different issues at stake in the area could be tackled with the necessary continuity in the long-term perspective of Euro-Mediterranean partnership;
14.Asks the Council and Commission to endeavour to make the Conference a broad forum open to all the problems facing the Mediterranean and to ensure that, when the Conference ends, it results in an organization provided with a permanent political and administrative structure;
15.Takes the view that the new organization resulting from the Barcelona Conference should have appropriate institutional support: a joint parliamentary assembly comprising Members of the EP and elected members of parliament from the member countries, a council of ministers and a secretary-general chosen by the joint parliamentary assembly;
16.Recommends to the Council Presidency that, in addition to making provision for the European Parliament to be officially present at the opening of the Conference, it should also take the necessary steps to enable a broad delegation from Parliament, which should reflect the major aspects of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, including the proposed political and security aspect and the Euro-Mediterranean economic free trade area, to participate fully in the Conference and the follow-up thereto;
17.Insists that the Council Presidency also take the necessary steps to involve a broad and representative selection of NGOs from both the EU and the Mediterranean non-member countries in the work of the Conference and the subsequent follow-up;
18.Calls on the Conference to be the guarantor of the implementation of Phase II of the Mediterranean Action Plan, including it in its framework as one of the major achievements for the sustainable development of the area;
19.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States and the governments of all the associated Mediterranean countries.