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Parlamento Europeo - 12 ottobre 1995
Implementation of 1995 budget


Resolution on the implementation of the Community budget for the financial year 1995

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the data contained in the report on the implementation of the budget of the European Union as at 31 May 1995 (SEC(95)1048), plus implementation figures for all budget items as at 31 August 1995,

-having regard to the Commission's statement in reply to the questionnaire of the Committee on Budgetary Control on the implementation of the European Union's budget for the 1995 financial year,

-having regard to its resolutions of

-24 March 1994 on guidelines for the 1995 budget - Section III (Commission),

-27 October 1994 on the draft general budget for the 1995 financial year - Section III (Commission), and

-15 December 1994 on the draft general budget for the 1995 financial year - Section III (Commission) modified by the Council,

1.Regrets the low level of implementation of this year's budget so far, which continues the trend noticed in previous years; recalls in this respect the Court of Auditors' criticism that budget implementation remains far too concentrated towards the end of the financial year; considers that the starting up of new programmes in 1995 in the education and youth sector and the launching of the fourth framework programme on research can only partly explain and justify this situation;

2.Rejects the Commission's selective attitude, which tends to link full implementation of certain headings to the existence of legal bases, in contradiction of Article 205 of the EC Treaty; expects the Commission to provide full explanations of its attitude and to implement all budgetary headings in a way compatible with the above-mentioned legal provision;

3.Instructs its own committees to monitor closely the implementation of all budget headings coming under their sphere of competence with a view to improving the efficiency of Union expenditure;

4.Urges the Commission to ensure regular and timely payment of subsidies to non-governmental organizations, while at the same time paying due attention to control of the expenditure;

5.Regrets the continuing inaccuracy of estimates of agricultural spending, which show no significant sign of improvement, in spite of repeated assurances from the Commission to that effect;

6.Deems it necessary for adequate financial resources to be provided in the course of the current financial year for the financing of temporary measures in the regions of the Union most severely hit by the deadlock of Union-Morocco negotiations in the fishing sector;

7.Expresses deep concern in this respect at the poor implementation of Item B2-1400 (PESCA) that should provide measures for the diversification of activities in the fishing industry and the reconversion of workers in this sector;

8.Observes with concern that, as at 31 May 1995, about ECU 5 billion in payment appropriations remain outstanding from the 1989-1993 Structural Funds and will lapse if not disbursed by the end of the current year; calls, therefore, on the Commission to take all appropriate measures, including technical assistance in the Member States, to ensure full implementation of this amount before the end of 1995;

9.Deplores the likelihood that in 1995, as in 1994, appropriations earmarked for the Structural Funds will not be used in total;

10.Notes the considerable discrepancies in the implementation of the Community initiatives in that ADAPT (Item B2-1423) and RESIDER II (Item B2-1431) have already exceeded their respective commitment appropriations, while NOW (Item B2-1420), HORIZON (Item B2-1421) and YOUTHSTART (Item B2-1422) in particular have recorded a lamentably low level of utilisation both in commitment and payment appropriations; hereby asks the Commission to comply with Parliament's clearly expressed political will concerning a balanced implementation of Community Initiatives;

11.Reiterates its demands to the Commission to ensure that the environment and transport sectors benefit equitably from Cohesion Fund appropriations in all Member States concerned;

12.Regrets that implementation of Trans-European Networks, a key sector for Parliament, has been seriously delayed for reasons linked to the adoption of the relevant legal bases;

13.Deplores the Council's reluctance to adopt a new programme on the fight against poverty (Item B3-4103) and notes the Commission's intention not to use appropriations earmarked for this programme in the 1995 budget; calls on the Commission to finance pilot projects in this field to ensure the continuity of the programme in 1996;

14.Considers it unacceptable that utilisation of appropriations entered in the budget for headings B3-101 (Youth for Europe) and B3-1021 (Leonardo da Vinci) has been delayed due to meetings of the "programme committees" involved in the management of these programmes (commitology);

15.Asks the Commission to inform Parliament of the measures undertaken under Article B4-320 (LIFE) indicating in particular the proportion of the appropriations utilised for administrative expenditure;

16.Is disturbed to observe that the allocation of funding to projects in the field of renewable energy under Item B6-7151 (Technologies for cleaner and more efficient energy production and use) does not correspond to that approved by the European Parliament in the decision on the specific programme concerned; undertakes to look into the reasons for this divergence and to take the action necessary to ensure that Community policy is respected in this sector;

17.Notes with concern the non-utilisation of commitment appropriations (0% at the end of August) in Item B7-216 concerning humanitarian action to third countries, which was matched by a reduction in the utilisation of payment appropriations (13.29% as against 23.95%); this contrasts with the widespread need for such action mentioned by the Commission in its report on utilisation as at 31 May 1995; asks the Commission for clarification of this apparent contradiction;

18.Is particularly concerned to note the slow implementation of budgetary items intended to finance cooperation with third countries in the Mediterranean region, in view of the forthcoming increase of appropriations on the MEDA line; calls on the Commission to ensure in particular that the management structures used to implement MEDA are sufficiently supple and decentralised to allow for rapid and efficient disbursement of funds;

19.Attaches the greatest importance to the smooth financing of assistance related to the Israel/PLO peace accord; reiterates its call to the Commission to ensure that aid promptly reaches its final beneficiaries;

20.Notwithstanding the improvements of the internal management procedures in the running of the Phare and Tacis programmes, urges the Commission to improve their rates of implementation, in particular of Article B7-620 (Technical cooperation with the Independent States of the former Soviet Union);

21.Asks the Commission to inform Parliament of the use of at least ECU 100 million earmarked for environmental projects and notably for the decommissioning of RBMK reactors (Chernobyl), as indicated in the remarks of Article B7-600 (Aid for the economic restructuring of the countries of central and eastern Europe); in this respect notes with concern the continuing low utilisation of appropriations of Item B7-634 (Cooperation on nuclear safety with the countries of central and eastern Europe and the Independent States of the former Soviet Union) and asks the Commission to provide adequate information on its implementation;

22.Recalls the emphasis it has placed in contributing to the development of South Africa and southern Africa in general and asks the Commission to ensure maximum and optimum utilisation of appropriations of the relevant Items (B7-5070 and B7-5071);

23.Insists that expenditure concerning actions under the common foreign and security policy should be financed through Subsection B8 and the relevant reserve of the Budget in order to clarify the relative responsibilities for the financial decisions taken in this field;

24.Asks the Commission to ensure the prompt implementation of the budget heading for the EU Administration in Mostar and to see that the institutional obstacles to such implementation are removed;

25.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission.

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