B4-1249, 1263, 1265, 1277 and 1288/95
Resolution on the situation of the indigenous peoples of Brazil
The European Parliament,
-recalling its previous resolutions on the need to protect the human rights of the indigenous peoples of Brazil,
-having regard to its resolutions of 9 February 1994 on action required internationally to provide effective protection for indigenous peoples and of 19 January 1995 on the International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples,
A.concerned by the report of the 'Fundaç o Nacional do ndio' (FUNAI) about the suicide this year of 36 Guarani in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, and by other reports about the killing of Indian people,
B.whereas the Brazilian Constitution confers rights on the indigenous peoples, including, specifically, land rights,
C.whereas the areas which the indigenous peoples have always inhabited have been and continue to be coveted for their natural resources; whereas for that reason, these peoples have been and continue to be the victims of invasions, massacres, murders, intimidation and violence of all kinds,
D.alarmed by reports that there are forces in Brazil seeking to amend Article 231 of the Constitution,
1.Reaffirms its support for the defence of human rights and minorities and calls on the Brazilian authorities firmly to adhere to the position they have repeatedly voiced that they are determined to protect the indigenous peoples;
2.Urges the Federal Chamber of Deputies to safeguard provisions in the Constitution in matters concerning the rights of the indigenous peoples and the improvement of their economic and social situation;
3.Calls on the Brazilian authorities to ensure that the invasion of indigenous territories and violence against indigenous peoples are firmly combated, and the perpetrators tried justly and impartially;
4.Calls on the Council and the Commission to notify the Brazilian authorities of its concern at the human rights situation of the indigenous peoples;
5.Repeats its request to the Council and Commission to draw up an EU action plan for indigenous peoples and calls for a greater effort in the field of cooperation as a first step;
6.Supports the work of the various NGOs operating at ground level, especially in Brazil's Amazon areas; welcomes the Commission's support for the projects 'Radio Amazonia' and 'Sustainable Forest in the Brazilian Amazonia', and calls on the Commission to persevere with experiments of this type, which have proved of great benefit to the peoples of the region;
7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission and Council, to the Brazilian Government and the Federal Chamber of Deputies, the 'Fundaç o Nacional do ndio' (FUNAI) and to the Council for the Indigenous Peoples and Organizations of Brazil (CAPOIB).