B4-1254 and 1290/95
Resolution on the outbreak of cholera in Cape Verde
The European Parliament,
A.whereas the outbreak of cholera in Cape Verde, principally in Praia, the capital, has caused some 220 deaths and widespread infection, with over 10 000 cases already identified,
B.aware of the existence of unsatisfactory conditions in the hospitals of Cape Verde, particularly the lack of technical equipment and human resources, which makes it difficult to treat victims or to prevent the spread of the epidemic,
C.noting that the Cape Verde authorities are mounting effective action to combat the epidemic, and concerned at the inadequate hygiene conditions in many parts of the country, which increases the vulnerability of the population to outbreaks of disease,
D.whereas cholera epidemics regularly claim many victims in Africa,
E.whereas the response to epidemic crises is piecemeal, since no international coordination currently exists to guarantee efficient and rapid aid in disasters of this kind, resulting in a certain amount of confusion and occasionally a wasteful scattering of resources,
F.stressing that Cape Verde's cooperation with the European Union has always been exemplary,
1.Extends its sympathy to the victims of cholera in Cape Verde and their families;
2.Voices its concern at the cholera epidemic in Cape Verde, particularly in Praia and on the island of S o Vicente, and acknowledges the urgent need to take vigorous measures to control infection;
3.Calls on the Commission and Council to consult the Executive Committee of the WHO with a view to initiating procedures which will allow emergency measures to be taken within the framework of the Organization's powers and resources to tackle situations which call for immediate intervention;
4.Calls on the Commission to maintain its strategic aid to Cape Verde and provide special emergency aid to help it combat the cholera epidemic;
5.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission and Council, to the Government of the Republic of Cape Verde and to the WHO.