Resolution on the devastation of crops in the Kiato region of Korinthia
The European Parliament,
A.having regard to the devastating hailstorm in August 1995 that blighted vineyards, olive trees etc., and totally destroyed production in the Kiato region of Korinthia,
B.whereas the destruction of crops and plants for forthcoming years will have immediate and severe repercussions on the economic life of the surrounding areas,
C.whereas the damage has forced many farmers to increase their borrowing,
D.whereas there is an urgent need to repair the damage,
1.Expresses its fullest sympathy and support for the producers affected;
2.Calls on the Commission and the EIB to coordinate their efforts, in cooperation with the Greek Government, to make an accurate assessment of the damage and grant emergency financial aid to the producers affected in order to cover the damage;
3.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Greek Government and the Korinthia regional authorities.