B4-1311, 1312 and 1314/95
Resolution on the fisheries agreement with Morocco
The European Parliament,
-having regard to its resolutions of 28 October 1994 on the fisheries agreement with Morocco, 13 July 1995 on the fisheries agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco, and 22 September 1995 on the fisheries agreement with Morocco,
-having regard to the second subparagraph of Article 228(3) of the EC Treaty,
A.whereas the European Union would like to conclude a good and equitable fisheries agreement as soon as possible,
B.whereas the period of nearly six months during which the Community fleet has been inactive has had serious socio-economic repercussions on the processing industry and ancillary sectors in the regions affected,
C.whereas the European Parliament has been kept on the sidelines of the negotiations despite the political, budgetary, social and economic importance of the fisheries agreement,
D.whereas the negotiations between the European Union and Morocco on this fisheries agreement have entailed relaunching negotiations on the general association agreement, in particular on certain sectors and products such as agricultural and industrial products, for which reason the trade concessions in the field of agriculture will last longer than the fisheries agreement,
1.Notes the progress made during the most recent round of negotiations;
2.Emphasizes the major reductions in Community fishing rights for virtually all forms of fishing and, in particular, the socio-economic impact which the reductions will have on the affected areas, all of which belong to Structural Fund Objective 1 regions;
3.Expresses its concern at the tightening-up of the compulsory conditions for the inclusion of Moroccan sailors as crew members, which, in addition to increasing the unemployment rate in the regions concerned, may make certain forms of fishing considerably more difficult;
4.Asks the Commission whether the negotiations on the agreement have adequately assessed and taken sufficient account both of the social implications of the use of Moroccan workers and compliance with health conditions for the processing of products bound for processing and marketing structures outside the Community;
5.Expresses its surprise at the increase in financial compensation to be paid out of the Community budget, despite the reductions in fishing rights;
6.Welcomes the fact that the agreement is to cover a four-year period, since this will allow the reductions in fishing effort to be made on a step-by-step basis;
7.Calls for the Commission and the Member States affected to tackle the overmanning and overcapacity resulting from the restrictive conditions imposed by the new agreement by means of effective replanning of Community and national structural funds;
8.Considers that the closed seasons to allow the replenishment of fisheries stocks should be established on the basis of strict reciprocity in order to avoid the kind of discrimination which occurred under the previous agreement;
9.Wishes to know, in particular, about the parallel concessions granted to Morocco in the other sectors forming part of the general association agreement and expresses its concern at the future of the Community fruit and vegetable sector in view of the compensation which has been offered to Morocco in the course of the parallel negotiations on the association agreement and which ignore the principle of Community preference in this sector; also wishes to be informed about the concessions relating to the canning industry, in view of its importance to Spain and particularly Portugal; here again, account should be taken of Community preference and of the fact that the canning sector is complementary to the fishing industry and creates jobs, mainly in underdeveloped regions which are dependent on the fisheries sector;
10.Considers that if, in order to conclude the fisheries agreement, trade concessions are made which are going to be included in the association agreement, the period of validity of the fisheries agreement cannot be inferior to that of the association agreement;
11.Points out to the Council that, pursuant to Article 228(3), second subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, Parliament must be consulted in accordance with the assent procedure in respect of international agreements which have significant budgetary implications;
12.Also considers that it must be consulted on the temporary implementation of the agreement;
13.Regrets once again that it has been completely excluded from the negotiating process, especially since the Commission has not provided information readily and promptly on the progress of the negotiations and the agreements adopted;
14.Notes with satisfaction the rapidity with which the Commission presented, as requested by Parliament, the proposal for a specific measure granting compensation to fishermen who have had to suspend fishing in Moroccan waters;
15.Requests the Commission, as a matter of urgency, to provide an assessment of fisheries resources which can be realistically expected to be available over the next decade to fleets of the European Union, both in domestic waters as well as waters under the jurisdiction of third countries and on the high seas;
16.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States concerned and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco.