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Parlamento Europeo - 15 novembre 1995
Kaleidoscope ***II


Decision on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a European Parliament and Council Decision establishing a programme to support artistic and cultural activities having a European dimension (KALEIDOSCOPE) (C4-0372/95 - 94/0188(COD))

(Codecision procedure: second reading)

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the common position of the Council, C4-0372/95 - 94/0188(COD),

-having regard to its opinion at first reading on the Commission proposal to Parliament and the Council, COM(94)0356,

-having regard to the amended Commission proposal, COM(95)0373,

-having regard to Article 189b(2) of the EC Treaty,

-having regard to Rule 72 of its Rules of Procedure,

-having regard to the recommendation for second reading of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (A4-0243/95),

1.Amends the common position as follows;

2.Calls on the Commission to support Parliament's amendments in the opinion it is required to deliver pursuant to Article 189b(2)(d) of the EC Treaty;

3.Calls on the Council to approve all Parliament's amendments, amend its common position accordingly and definitively adopt the act;

4.Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council and Commission.


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