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Parlamento Europeo - 16 novembre 1995

1.Assistance to NIS and Mongolia *


Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the provision of assistance to economic reform and recovery in the New Independent States and Mongolia (COM(95)0012 - C4-0242/95 - 95/0056(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(PEX report)

2.Situation in Nigeria

B4-1370, 1409, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423 and 1424/95

Resolution on Nigeria

3.Air traffic


Resolution on the Commission communication on congestion and crisis in air traffic (COM(95)0318 - C4-0355/95)

(McINTOSH report)

4.Groundhandling at airports **I


Proposal for a Council Directive on access to the groundhandling market at Community airports (COM(94)0590 - C4-0180/95 - 94/0325(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(SEAL report)

5.Driving licences **I


Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 91/439/EEC on driving licences (COM(95)0166 - C4-0262/95 - 95/0109(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(FARASSINO report)

6.Shipments of waste **I


Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community (COM(95)0143 - C4-0220/95 - 95/0107(SYN))

(VIRGIN report)

7.Sri Lanka

B4-1364, 1376, 1389, 1395, 1401 and 1411/95

Resolution on the conflict in Sri Lanka and the need to support the peace process

8.Nuclear waste

(a)B4-1355, 1359, 1372 and 1377/95

Resolution on the harassment of the Bellona Foundation by Russian security authorities

(b)B4-1356, 1368, 1373, 1388 and 1410/95

Resolution on nuclear waste and pollution at sea

(c)B4-1357, 1378 and 1392/95

Resolution on the environmental threat of nuclear submarines, especially Russian ones

9.Human rights

(a)B4-1367, 1399 and 1400/95

Resolution on the fate of the French pilots Frédéric Chiffot and José Souvignet

(b)B4-1375, 1379 and 1396/95

Resolution on the case of Mrs Boussouf and the assassination of Mr M'Barek

(c)B4-1366, 1381, 1397 and 1412/95

Resolution on the need to respect human and democratic rights in the Slovak Republic


Resolution on the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

(e)B4-1387, 1394 and 1418/95

Resolution on the illegal arrest and detention of the Cypriot national guardsman, Giorgos Karotsakis, by the Turkish forces of occupation in the northern sector of Cyprus

10.Anti-personnel landmines and chemical weapons convention

(a)B4-1360, 1369, 1374, 1382, 1404 and 1413/95

Resolution on the failure of the international conference on anti-personnel mines and laser weapons

(b)B4-1365, 1383 and 1414/95

Resolution on the ratification of the Convention on the destruction of chemical weapons


(a)B4-1362, 1363 and 1391/95

Resolution on Hurricane Tanya, which has struck the central group of the Azores


Resolution on earthquakes and flooding in Turkey


Resolution on the devastation of the island of Luzon in the Philippines by Hurricane Angela

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