B4-1366, 1381, 1397 and 1412/95
Resolution on the need to respect human and democratic rights in the Slovak Republic
The European Parliament,
A. gravely concerned by the new attempt by the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Mr Meciar, to expel the Democratic Union Members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, although their election has been declared legal by the Supreme Court,
B. gravely concerned by the fact that three successive police officers, in charge of investigating the abduction and maltreatment of the son of President Kovac, were dismissed, resigned or were placed under investigation when they sought to examine the role of the secret police in this affair, and noting with concern the continuing efforts of certain political parties to force the head of state out of office,
C. concerned that a number of politicians and journalists trying to investigate the background to this affair have received anonymous threats, resulting even in physical harassment in several cases, and that the investigation into this harassment by the police have been delayed,
D. concerned that the opposition parties represented in the Slovak National Council are not properly represented in the leading bodies of the Parliament, as is sound democratic practice in all the Member States of the European Union and in other countries with democratic traditions,
E. whereas the Slovak Republic has signed a Europe agreement with the EU; whereas adherence to democratic principles and respect for human rights constitute a key principle of these contractual relations;
1. Demands that the Slovak Government abandon its attempts to deprive democratically elected members of the Slovak National Council of their seats;
2. Demands that the Slovak police be allowed to complete their inquiry into the abduction of the son of the President without political interference;
3. Calls on the Prime Minister, Mr Meciar, to guarantee all citizens regardless of political affiliation the right to freedom of expression in the media and in public life;
4. Points out to the Government of the Slovak Republic that, if it continues to follow policies which show insufficient respect for democracy, human and minority rights and the rule of law, it will be necessary for the European Union to reconsider its programmes of assistance and cooperation under the Europe Agreement which might have to be suspended;
5. Calls on the EU-Slovak Republic Joint Parliamentary Committee to discuss all these matters with the representatives of all Slovak political parties represented in the Slovak National Council and insists that any conclusions adopted at such meetings should reflect the deep concern expressed by the European Parliament;
6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the President and the Government of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak National Council and the Secretaries-General of the Council of Europe and the OSCE.