B4-1360, 1369, 1374, 1382, 1404 and 1413/95
Resolution on the failure of the international conference on anti-personnel mines and laser weapons
The European Parliament,
-recalling its previous resolutions on this subject, in particular the resolutions of 29 June 1995 on landmines and blinding laser weapons, and on anti-personnel landmines: a murderous impediment to development,
A.deploring the failure of the United Nations Review Conference in Vienna on Certain Conventional Weapons to make substantial progress in stopping the manufacture, export and use of land mines which inflict a frightful toll of loss of life and mutilation every day,
B.deploring the failure of other Member States to follow the example of Belgium in ceasing to manufacture, export or use anti-personnel mines and welcoming the announcement by the French Government, as a positive first step, that it will cease to export these weapons and that it will reduce its stockpiles of anti-personnel mines,
C.whereas approximately 100 million mines have been laid around the world and there are nearly 25 000 civilian casualties - many of them children - each year,
D.whereas several million new mines are still being produced each year,
E.whereas it would take more than $30 billion to clear the world of mines,
F.welcoming the announcement of the US Government that they are abandoning the development of some blinding laser weapons, but regretting that they did not abandon the development of all types of these weapons,
G.welcoming the agreement on a Protocol to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons to restrict the use and transfer of blinding laser weapons, but regretting that the Protocol fails to ban the production of blinding laser weapons and provides loopholes for the production, use and transfer of some blinding laser weapons, including those that target optical systems,
H.believing that deliberate blinding as a method of warfare is abhorrent and in contravention of established custom, the principles of humanity and the dictates of the public conscience,
I.drawing attention to the related problem of other unexploded weapons, such as bombs and grenades, which so disfigure Laos and Cambodia,
1.Reiterates its demand for a total ban on anti-personnel mines and spare parts, to cover the production, storage, transfer, sale, export and use of such weapons and calls on all Member States to establish immediately such a ban in the European Union as a joint action under the Common Foreign and Security Policy;
2.Urges Member States to ratify the laser weapon Protocol without delays or reservations;
3.Welcomes the decision to convene a follow-up conference in the beginning of next year and calls on all Member States to use this opportunity to promote a comprehensive ban on anti-personnel mines and on all blinding laser weapons;
4.Stresses that effective measures of this kind would not only reduce the burden of human misery especially in very poor countries devastated by war, such as Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique and Somalia, but also increase the influence of the EU in international negotiations for disarmament and arms control and raise the prestige of the EU;
5.Calls on the Council and the Commission to implement a special programme to clear mines and rehabilitate the civilian populations devastated by the effects of such weapons;
6.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Chairman of the Vienna International Conference, both Houses of Congress of the US, the Co-Presidents of the ACP-EU Joint Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines.