B4-1462, 1468, 1473 and 1483/95
Resolution on preparation of the meeting of the European Council in Madrid on 15 and 16 December 1995
The European Parliament,
A.noting that the European Union is at a turning point in its history, which requires it to secure greater support from the general public, to ensure that it is capable of acting more effectively and to determine its objectives more clearly,
B.whereas the European Council must give clear, strong political signals in the three areas which will determine the future of the Union, i.e. EMU, the 1996 IGC and enlargement,
1.Reaffirms its resolutions of 13 July 1995 on a coherent employment strategy for the European Union, 29 November 1995 on the Commission's annual report 'Employment in Europe - 1995' and 30 November 1995 on economic and monetary union;
2.Calls on the European Council to adopt the procedure for changing over to the single currency, to confirm unequivocally the agenda and the timetable for the third stage and to agree on a name for the single currency, thereby signalling that the project is irreversible;
3.Draws the attention of the European Council to the need to ensure that EMU does not undermine convergence and stability throughout the European Union, thereby posing a threat to the single market; believes that a stronger monetary mechanism between EMU and the currencies of the non-participating Member States and an effective instrument for solidarity (economic and social cohesion) between the Member States must constitute the foundations of such a guarantee;
4.Calls on the European Council to recognize:
-the need for European employment strategy to be based on a clear vision of society: the defence and strengthening of the European social model;
-the need to strengthen the European dimension, particularly in respect of transparency and accountability in employment policy;
5.Calls on the European Council to lay the foundation for a far-reaching institutional reform to allow, in particular, advances to be made in the areas of decision-making and European citizenship;
6.Urges the Fifteen to do their utmost to ensure that the European Union plays a full part in the promising peace processes in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and the Middle East, on the basis of the agreements recently concluded between the various parties and to implement, within the framework of the IGC, a common foreign and security policy to ensure that Europe resumes its rightful place on the international scene;
7.Recalls the undertakings given at the Essen European Council regarding a pre-accession strategy and expects there to be in future a clearsighted view of the enlarged Union and the implications thereof at institutional and financial level; recalls its request for the total abolition of the pillars, with particular reference to the common foreign and security policy;
8.Calls on the Madrid European Council to work towards recognition of the role of the Court of Justice within the framework of the Europol Convention and to take common action to combat racism and xenophobia;
9.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the European Council, the Commission, the Council and the parliaments and governments of the Member States.