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Parlamento Europeo - 14 dicembre 1995
Draft general budget for 1996 (b)


Resolution on the modifications made by the Council to the amendments made by Parliament to Section I - European Parliament - Annex Ombudsman, Section II - Council, Section IV - Court of Justice, Section V - Court of Auditors, Section VI - Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions of the draft general budget of the European Communities for the financial year 1996

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the Treaty on European Union,

-having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 29 October 1993 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure,

-having regard to the amendments adopted at first reading and its resolution of 26 October 1995 on the draft general budget of the European Communities for the financial year 1996 (Sections I, II, IV, V, VI),

-having regard to the decisions of 17 November 1995 by the Council on the draft budget as amended and modified by Parliament at first reading (C4-0500/95),

-having regard to the letter of amendment to the draft budget (Section II - Council) of 30 October 1995 (C4-0510/95),

-having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets (A4-0310/95),

A.whereas on 17 November 1995 the Council adopted the two Regulations introducing special measures to terminate the service of officials and temporary staff of the European Communities as a result of the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden,

1.Stresses that, to a large extent, the Council has endorsed Parliament's first reading of the draft budget, in particular by accepting the amendments on partial use of the margin in heading 5 of the financial perspective in order to speed up amortization of the investment cost of the institutions' buildings, on interinstitutional cooperation, and on certain operating expenditure;

2.Notes that the amendments made by Parliament to its own budget have not been modified by the Council;

3.Is surprised that the Council has submitted a letter of amendment in order to incorporate into its own budget those elements relating to interinstitutional cooperation without justifying the 'very exceptional circumstances' and the failure to observe the time limits laid down in Article 14 of the Financial Regulation;

4.Notes that Parliament's amendments on the measures to terminate the service of officials and temporary staff were considered by the Council either as draft amendments or as proposed modifications, depending on the section of the budget concerned;

5.Notes the progress made towards introducing an effective system applying to parliamentary assistants, particularly since its Bureau's decision of 11 December 1995; considerers, however, that a lasting solution must be sought in the definition of a status for parliamentary assistants on a proposal submitted by the Commission before 30 May 1996;

6.Stresses that entering an additional amount of ECU 37.5 m for Parliament's rental payments and ECU 50 m for the rental payments of the Court of Justice will have only a limited impact on the overall volume of commitments by the institutions for their investment in property; stresses that this overall amount of ECU 87.5 m leaves a margin within heading 5 which meets the requirements of the Interinstitutional Agreement;

7.Points out that, when the budget guidelines for the financial year 1996 were adopted on 5 April 1995, the institutions were called on to draw up 'a list of the different property policies currently being pursued'; therefore invites the Court of Justice to explore ways and means of early financing of the instalments payable by 1999 and to communicate them to the budgetary authority;

8.Deems it appropriate to point out that the institutions which are parties to the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure agreed, when the financial perspective was revised with a view to enlargement, that heading 5 expenditure would be reviewed in 1996 in order to take account of the financing requirements for the European institutions' buildings;

9.Invites the Court of Auditors to draw up a special report on the financial commitments governing all the buildings of the Court of Justice prior to a decision by the budgetary authority on making use of the appropriations entered in Chapter 100 (Provisional appropriations) for Article 200 (Rent);

10.Points out that the financial year 1996 is a vital year for implementing interinstitutional cooperation, that requests for transfers of appropriations entered in Chapter 100 for activities in this connection will be considered in the light of actual progress made by the institutions, and that implementation of this cooperation furthers the principle of charging expenditure on the basis of its purpose;

11.Notes the lack of sufficient justifications for rejecting the amendment concerning manpower at the Court of Justice, as well as the conversion of permanent posts into temporary posts for logistical support for the Ardenne building and the deletion of the explanatory notes accompanying the list of posts for the Committee of the Regions and that of the joint organizational structure;

12.Has therefore decided, on the basis of the most recent information provided, to reinstate the amendments concerning the staff of the Court of Justice, the Committee of the Regions and the joint organizational structure;

13.Instructs its President to forward these budgetary decisions to the Council, the Commission and the institutions and advisory bodies concerned.

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