B4-1463, 1474, 1475, 1485, 1489 and 1531/95
Resolution on the Euro-Mediterranean Conference in Barcelona
The European Parliament,
-having regard to its resolutions on Mediterranean policy,
-having regard to the conclusions of the European Council meetings at Lisbon, Corfu, Essen and Cannes,
-having regard to the Commission communications to the Council and the European Parliament on 'Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union' (COM(94) 0427 - C4-0213/94) and on 'Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union: proposals for implementing a Euro-Mediterranean partnership' (COM(95) 0072 - C4-0119/95),
-having regard to the Barcelona Declaration and work programme (28 November 1995),
A.recognizing the common interest that both EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries have in promoting peace, security, stability and economic prosperity in the region,
B.pointing out the importance of the Barcelona Conference in establishing a stable platform for the development of relations between the EU countries and their Mediterranean neighbours,
1.Congratulates the Council for the work it has already achieved towards the implementation of an Euro-Mediterranean policy by the holding of the Barcelona Conference, the initial conclusions of which are in line with Parliament's expectations as expressed in its resolution of 11 October 1995 on the Mediterranean policy of the European Union with a view to the Barcelona Conference; calls for follow-up bodies to be set up speedily, with the European Parliament and the national parliaments of the Mediterranean non-EU Member States being closely involved in their work, and believes that significant changes must be introduced to start a real lasting, permanent and successful process;
2.Recalls in this connection its resolution of 11 October 1995 on the Mediterranean policy of the European Union with a view to the Barcelona Conference, in which it calls for the creation of a parliamentary assembly composed of MEPs and MPs from the Mediterranean partner countries, a Council of Ministers and a Secretary-General, who would meet on a regular basis;
3.Stresses the importance of the area in question and expresses the wish to give a new dimension to future relations with the MTCs based on cooperation and solidarity and, in particular, the links which have developed as a result of proximity and history;
4.Stresses that it is important to Malta and Cyprus that negotiations on accession to the European Union should begin six months after the end of the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference;
5.Stresses the importance of living up to the Barcelona Declaration in which all signatories signed up to "respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and guarantee the effective legitimate exercise of such rights and freedoms";
6.Points out the importance of promoting policies oriented towards a mutual understanding, giving special attention to the cultural and social dimension in relations with the Mediterranean countries;
7.Stresses the urgency of cooperation initiatives, especially for the implementation of technical support programmes for small and medium-sized businesses;
8.Considers that the achievement of a free trade area by the year 2010 is one of the main objectives of the process started in Barcelona, entailing the restructuring of the economies of the Third Mediterranean Countries and subsequent repercussions and that such a free trade area cannot be limited only to the free circulation of goods and services;
9.Calls on the Commission to monitor the process closely so as to avoid counterproductive effects and serious social repercussions, both for the Mediterranean third countries and within the Union itself;
10.Confirms the importance of the conclusions reached by the Cannes European Council, namely to release ECU 4.7 million from the Community budget, to be allocated for financial assistance for the 1995-1999 period;
11.Is convinced, in this respect, of the need to open the follow-up work to all the countries of the basin in order to come to a global and comprehensive approach;
12.Stresses the importance of involving non-governmental organisations in the process and strengthening their role in society in order to support and promote the growth of a broadly-based civil society, which is essential to the development of democracy and respect for human rights;
13.Believes that in order to cope thoroughly with the environmental crisis in the region the objectives stated in the Mediterranean Action Plan should be taken into account and implemented as an essential part and founding principle of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership;
14.Welcomes the convening of three sectoral conferences, and calls for Parliament and the NGOs to be involved in these meetings;
15.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States and the governments of all the countries that are signatories of the final declaration of the Conference.