B4-1542, 1546 and 1555/95
Resolution on the attack by the ETA terrorist group in Madrid
The European Parliament,
A.alarmed by the horrific attack carried out in Madrid on 11 December 1995 by the ETA terrorist group, which left six people dead and many more seriously injured,
B.whereas the ETA terrorist group is pursuing its criminal activities with the aim of holding over society the threat of terror and murder,
1.Condemns this savage attack unreservedly and reiterates its utter rejection of all forms of violence, which are a tragic reflection of intolerance and contempt for democratic values;
2.Expresses its solidarity with all victims of terrorism, extends its deep sympathies to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to those who were injured;
3.Reaffirms its support for the Ajuria-Enea Pact and the Madrid agreements and urges the signatories to abide by the commitments they have given;
4.Reiterates its refusal to engage in any kind of dialogue with those who collaborate with, assist, sponsor or carry out terrorist acts of any kind and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice;
5.Recalls also that Mr Aldaya has been held hostage for more than seven months by the ETA terrorist organization;
6.Requests the Council to promote genuine police and judicial cooperation in the fight against terrorism so as to protect the freedom of all citizens more effectively;
7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Spanish authorities and the families of the victims.