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Parlamento Europeo - 15 gennaio 1996

1.Protection against dumped imports * (Rule 143)

Proposal for a Council Regulation on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community (COM(95)0363 - C4-0549/95 - 95/0200(CNS))

2.Joint Research Centre programme * (Rule 143)

Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a supplementary research programme to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Community (COM(95)0549 - C4-0546/95 - 95/0284(CNS))

3.Quality wines * (Rule 143)

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) 822/87 laying down special provisions for quality wines produced in certain regions (COM(95)0506 - C4-0566/95 - 95/0266(CNS))

4.Satellite tracking in NAFO area * (Rule 143)

Proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of a pilot project on satellite tracking in the NAFO regulatory area (COM(95)0620 - C4-0587/95 - 95/0318(CNS))

5.Scientific cooperation agreement with Canada * (Rule 143(2))


Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision concluding the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and Canada (COM(95)0419 - C4-0466/95 - 95/0227(CNS))


6.Petroleum, gas and electricity investment * (Rule 143(2))


Proposal for a Council Regulation on notifying the Commission of investment projects of interest to the Community in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity sectors (COM(95)0118 - C4-0451/95 - 95/0083(CNS))

Legislative resolution


7.Crude oil and natural gas * (Rule 143(2))


I.Proposal for a Council Regulation repealing Regulation (EEC) No 388/75 on notifying the Commission of exports of crude oil and natural gas to third countries (COM(95)0391 - C4-0455/95 - 95/0214(CNS))

Legislative resolution

II.Proposal for a Council Regulation repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1055/72 on notifying the Commission of imports of crude oil and natural gas (COM(95)0391 - C4-0456/95 - 95/0215(CNS))

Legislative resolution

III.Proposal for a Council Regulation repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1038/79 on Community support for a hydrocarbon exploration project in Greenland (COM(95)0391 - C4-0457/95 - 95/0216(CNS))

Legislative resolution

IV.Proposal for a Council Decision repealing Recommendation 79/167/ECSC, EEC, Euratom on the reduction of energy requirements for buildings in the Community (COM(95)0391 - C4-0458/95 - 95/0217(CNS))

Legislative resolution


8.Energy policy legislation (Rule 143(2))


Resolution on the Commission report on a review of Community energy legislation and the communication from the Commission concerning the repeal of several Community legislative texts in the field of energy policy (COM(95)0391 - C4-0350/95)


9.Wild fauna and flora


Resolution on the change in the legal basis of the proposal for a Council Regulation laying down provisions with regard to possession of and trade in specimens of species of wild fauna and flora (9457/95 - C4-0376/95 - 00/0370(COD))

(VAN PUTTEN report)

10.Food aid and food security **I


Proposal for a Council Regulation on food aid policy and food aid management and special operations in support of food security (COM(95)0283 - C4-0392/95 -95/0160(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(TELKÄMPER report)

11.Combating corruption


Resolution on combating corruption in Europe

(SALISCH report)

12.Rehabilitation in developing countries and southern Africa **I


Proposal for a Council Regulation on rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in developing countries (COM(95)0291 - C4-0495/95 - 95/0165(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(ANDREWS report)


Proposal for a Council Regulation on support for rehabilitation programmes in southern Africa (COM(95)0175 - C4-0449/95 - 95/0111(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(BALDI report)

13.Co-financing operations in developing countries **I


Proposal for a Council Regulation on cofinancing operations with European non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs) in fields of interest to the developing countries (COM(95)0292 - C4-0496/95 - 95/0168(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(PAAKKINEN report)

14.Protection against injurious pricing of vessels *


Proposal for a Council Regulation on protection against injurious pricing of vessels (COM(95)0473 - C4-0548/95 - 95/0258(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(SAINJON report)

15.Trade agreement with Israel *


Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion by the European Community of an interim agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part (COM(95)0618 - 12243/95 - C4-0577/95 -95/0307(CNS))

(DE CLERCQ report)

16.Election of Palestinian Authority Council and President


Recommendation from the European Parliament to the Council on the election of the Council and President of the Palestinian Authority and the role of the European Union

(COLAJANNI report)

17.Decentralized cooperation **I


Proposal for a Council Regulation on decentralized cooperation (COM(95)0290 - C4-0327/95 - 95/0159(SYN))

Legislative resolution

(VECCHI report)

18.Fishing agreement with Canada; Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization - Fishing agreement with Guinea-Bissau *


I.Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement on fisheries in the form of an agreed minute, an exchange of letters, an exchange of notes and the annexes thereto, between the European Community and the Government of Canada (COM(95)0251 - C4-0338/95 - 95/0144(CNS))

Legislative resolution

II.Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88 of 9 June 1988 adopting provisions for the application of the Scheme of Joint International Inspection adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (COM(95)0266 - C4-0330/95 - 95/0150(CNS))

Legislative resolution

III.Proposal for a Council Regulation modifying Regulation (EEC) No 189/92 adopting provisions for the application of certain control measures adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (COM(95)0266 - C4-0331/95 - 95/0151(CNS))

Legislative resolution

IV.Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a European Community Observer Scheme applicable to Community fishing vessels operating in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (COM(95)0266 - C4-0332/95 - 95/0152(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(McMAHON report)


Proposal for a Council Regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol establishing the fishing possibilities and the financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau for the period 16 June 1995 to 15 June 1997 (COM(95)0427 - C4-0465/95 - 95/0233(CNS))

Legislative resolution

(CUNHA report)

19.Gdansk Convention *


Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision amending Article VII of the "Gdansk Convention" (COM(95)0345 -C4-0388/95 - 95/0186(CNS))

(KOFOED report)


B4-1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569 and 1570/95

Resolution on the crisis in the salmon sector

21.Irish Steel

B4-1572 and 1573/95

Resolution on state aid to Irish Steel under Article 95 ECSC

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