Recommendation from the European Parliament to the Council on the election of the Council and President of the Palestinian Authority and the role of the European Union
The European Parliament,
-having regard to the proposal for a recommendation to the Council by Mr Aelvoet and others on the election of the Council and the President of the Palestinian Authority and the role of the Union (B4-1332/95),
-having regard to Article J.7 of the Treaty on European Union,
-having regard to Rule 46(3) of its Rules of Procedure,
-having regard to the Council decision of 25 September 1995 supplementing Decision No 94/226/CFSP on a joint action adopted by the Council on the basis of Article J.3 of the Treaty on European Union in support of the Middle East peace process and relating to monitoring of the elections to the Palestinian Council and coordination of the internal election monitoring operation,
-having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy,
A.whereas the forthcoming elections of the Council and the President of the Palestinian Authority represent an essential step in the search for peace throughout the Middle East,
B.deeply shaken by the assassination of the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who paid for his commitment to peace with his own life,
C.welcoming the commitment of those involved in the peace process, who are determined to continue along the road which has already been marked out thanks to the courageous efforts of a leader who has been so tragically taken from us,
D.aware that fundamentalist and nationalist extremism, which finds an outlet in terrorism, may jeopardize the successful outcome of the current developments,
E.convinced of the positive effects which this process will have on the stability and security of Europe and firmly believing, therefore, that the Council and the Member States must take positive action which goes beyond mere assistance and election monitoring,
(a)ensure that Parliament's delegation is closely involved in the work of the European Union Electoral Unit, so as to allow appropriate participation in the monitoring of all stages, procedures and objectives of the electoral process;
(b)increase, with a view to the elections and as part of the joint action which is already under way, the Union's clear and unreserved commitment to the peace process by means of a political initiative designed to secure an agreement between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli Government on the issues which are still outstanding, in particular by providing maximum support to the latter during this difficult yet decisive stage;
(c)prepare without delay the legal, economic and trade facilities needed to encourage the economic development of the territories under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, with which exploratory negotiations should be initiated with a view to concluding a Euro-Mediterranean association agreement;
(d)step up its mediation activities in respect of all the countries in the region in order to advance the peace process and thus help to create a climate of greater security and trust in which the elections may take place;
2.Instructs its President to forward this recommendation to the Council and, for information, to the Commission.