Dear Olivier, Sasha, and others to whom it may concern!
Excuse me, but I still decided to write about it here instead of sending an amount of private messages.
The idea to send Transnational from Kiev even to Russia is good but not new. As you know, we already did it one or two times in the past. To the "pro" of this idea must belong all that pluses which Sasha wrote about: saving money.
However there are also some "contra":
1) The time necessary to reach the addressees will at least double in this case, as far as I realized after previous experience. It could be probably not so terrible (anyway, in this issue of the Transnational there is nothing extra-urgent, as far as I can see - at least not an urgent appeal to act concretely within a concrete date). But:
2) Especially for Russian subscribers there is provided an additional page A4 with anti-militarist information and appeal to act. From technical and political point of view probably is better to send it from Moscow?
3) There is also another - but very small - "contra": many Russian people will be confused, where to send coupon and membership fees, to Kiev (as it is written with big caracters on the envelop) or still to Moscow (as it written with very small caracters inside of the Transnational)?
Of course I don't oppose the idea to try again to send Transnational to Russian subscribers from Kiev. It is simply my considerations - we must really realize all the sides of the proposal.
Let's decide.
P.S. Of course, the translation is going on now from Italian to Russian (by Olga) without any dependence from where to mail and even from that fact, that we have no coin for producing this issue of agency neither in Moscow, nor in Kiev and even if the money will be transferred from Rome just on Monday, we will get it here minimum in one week...