Dear friends!Could somebody be so kind to consult me about Transnational, because on it's page 2 there is a reference that Valeri Ivasiuk, 1st Vice President of Ukrainian National anti-AIDS committee, had the floor immediately after Lenora Fulani (USA). Unfortunately Mr. Ivasiuk, who will receive Transnational too, DIDN'T speak that time, because he had to leave Italy on request of the President of Ukraine.
Can I remove this information? Please make a decision, because if I receive your answer today, I could correct the mistake before printing.
P.S. To him who is responsible for issuing:
I would like to inform you that printing models for all CIS countries are prepared in Kiev, and the distance between Kiev and Moscow (where you use to send first copy every time) is about 800 km. Thus, if you still want the Transnational to have the same appearance in different languages, PLEASE, send ANY COPY OF ANY LANGUAGE (fax +7-044-2692468) IMMEDIATELY. And please do it when preparing each Transnational, because at present you do not use to send the copy to FAX in Kiev.