Radicali.it - sito ufficiale di Radicali Italiani
Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 7 giugno 1995
To the attention of the Hon. Speaker of the House

Brussels, June 12th 1995

Sir, Madame,

Please find enclosed a copy of a letter from the President of the Parliament of Bosnia-Hercegovina, Mr Miro Lazovic. It is addressed to members of Parliaments all over the world. It introduces and calls for support of an appeal promoted by the transdivisional and transnational Radical party: the Appeal for Bosnia-Hercegovina to join the European union.

The urgency that the situation in Bosnia imposes on us, together with the necessity of finding political solution to a crisis growing ever closer to an all-war option, compels us to speed up the process initially planned for the development of this initiative. Our initiative concerns inviting Bosnia-Hercegovina to join the European union as a means of reaffirming the integrity of the state. This would stop any further separatistic or annexationist pretentions. It is also a matter of creating the conditions for a real dialogue between the warring parties.

I address myself to you, asking you to register on the agenda of your Parliament the reading of President Lazovic's letter, as well as the Parliamentarians' Appeal itself, aiming to win the support of your Parliament.

In subordination to that, I invite You to underwrite the Appeal and let it be underwritten by other Hon. Parliamentarians. It is our intention to present the Appeal to the next European Union summit meeting, which will take place in Cannes on June 26-27.

Kindly waiting for your reply, please accept my best regards.


Olivier Dupuis

(General Secretary of the Transnational Radical Party)

Radical party

Tel. 32-2-284.25.79 (Mr. Paolo Atzori)

Fax. 32-2-284.91.98/97

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