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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 11 giugno 1995

To all the offices of the Radical Party

Dear friends,

Tomorow we will finish the Transnational Agency. In some way it's a special one. Most of this agency regards the campaign we begin with our friend Izet Muhamedagic for the immediate membership of Bosnia in the European Union.

In this way we will also try to inform most people as possible in Western Europe and especially in France, Italy and Spain (the nearest countries), about the demonstration for the immediate membership of Bosnia, we will organize in front of the Festival Palace in Cannes (South part of France) monday 26 June in occasion of the European Council of the heads of State and governement of the European Union.

But it's also a way to explain the very difficult financial situation in which we are and the absolute necessity that people from all over the world decide to give the Radical Party force, energy and, of course, money in order to continue this campaign for Bosnia, the antiprohibitionnist campaign, the campaigns for a free Tibet, for the worldwide abolition of death penalty, for an international justice, for a linguistical democracy, ...

Because of the fact that most of the material already exists in most of the languages we use for the Transnational, this agency could easily be translated and ready for the post offices in a few hours. About the financial aspect, Danilo told me that all the offices received the money for it.

I hope everybody will be able to sent it very-very quickly.

All the best to everybody,


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