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Archivio segreteria PR
- 15 giugno 1995

Dear friends,

the following is a second draft agenda for the International Conference on the PICC that the committee "There is No Peace Without Justice" has to organize next September. Starting from the first draft - to which regrettably only a few of the users of this sector reacted - I added many names as possible speakers, trying to include the representatives of many relevant International institutions and competent NGOs since I believe that we should get the widest possible support for our campaign.

After two telephone conversations with Gianfranco Dell'Alba, I wrote Barcelona as the most likely town where the Conference may take place, and a Friday and a Saturday as the most profitable days. Actually, it will probably be better to convene one day before and to hold on thursday afternoon the opening session. As for the date, I propose the last week-end of September.

Of course, much will depend on the funds that we are waiting for. As treasurer of the Committee, I would be glad to know as soon as possible any piece of news about.

I am going to meet with Giandonato Caggiano - probably next monday - in order to discuss this second draft as well as the preparation of the first issue of the Committee's bullettin. Once more, I would greatly appreciate any comments and suggestions.

International Conference

Toward the Establishing

of a Permanent International Criminal Court

(Thursday, 28 -) Friday, 29 - Saturday, 30 September 1995

Barcelona, Spain


- Security Council and Jurisdiction of the Permanent International Criminal Court.

- Problems of Enforcement: Legal Assistance, Surrender of Persons, Transfer and Enforcement of Sentences.

- International Criminal Justice and Impunity.

- International Investigating War Crimes Commissions (1912-1994).

- "Opting In / Opting Out" approach.

- Matters of the Jurisdiction of the PICC: Genocide, Aggression, Serious Violation of Rules Applicable in Armed Conflicts, Crimes Against Humanity, Apartheid, Torture, Hostage Taking, Seizure of Aircrafts, Illicit Drugs Traffic, Terrorism.



Antonio Cassese, President, International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia

XXX, President, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Richard Goldstone, Justice, Prosecutor, ICTFY

Emma Bonino, EU Commissioner

....... ......., representative of the Secretary General, UNO

....... ......., OAS (Organization of American States)

....... ......., OAU (Organization of African Unity)

....... ......., OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)

....... ......., OIS (Organization of the Islamic States)


Ernesto Caccavale

Gianfranco Dell'Alba

Jean François Hory

Bernard Kouchner

Jose' Maria Mendiluce

Marco Pannella

....... .......


Parliamentarians for Global Action:

....... .......

....... .......

....... .......

....... .......


....... .......

....... .......


....... .......


Valery V. Borshev

Segey A. Kovaliov

United Kingdom:

Lord Eric Avebury


....... .......


Uli Fisher


....... .......



Giandonato Caggiano, SIOI, Italy - President, "No Peace Without Justice"

Adama Dieng, secretary general, Centre for Independence of Judges and Lawyers

Janelle Diller, International Human Rights Law Group

Olivier Dupuis, secretary, Radical Party

Stefanie Grant, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

David Krieger, president, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Aryeh Neyer, president, Open Society Fund

Yuri Orlov, honorary president, International Helsinki Federation - Cornell University, USA

Jerome J. Shestak, chairman, International Bar Association's Committee for Human Rights and a Just Rule of Law

Joanna Weshler, representative to the United Nations, Human Rights Watch

Mark S. Zaid, chairman of the American Bar Association's Task Force on the Proposed Protocol of Evidence and Procedure for Future War Crimes Tribunals

....... ......., Amnesty International

....... ......., Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme

....... ......., ELSA (European Law Students' Association)


Mariano Aguirre, CIP, Madrid, Spain

Daniela Archibugi, CNR/ISRDS, Rome, Italy

Cherif Bassiouni, De Paul University, Chicago, USA

Luigi Bonanate, University of Turin, Italy

James Crawford, Jesus College, Cambridge, Great Britain

David Held, Open University, Milton Kaines, Great Britain

Richard Falk, Princeton University, USA

Luigi Ferrajoli, University of Camerino, Italy

Nils Petter Gleditsch, IPRI, Oslo, Norway

Pierre Hassner, CERI, Paris, France

Mary Kaldor, European Institute, Sussex, Great Britain

Hans Kochler, Universitat Innsbruck, Austria

Ekkehart Krippendorff, Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany

Stephan Leibfried, Universitat Bremen, Germany

Andrew Linklater, Keele University, Great Britain

Alberto Piris, CIP, Madrid, Spain

Ulrich Preuss, Universitat Bremen, Germany

Gwyn Prins, University of Cambridge, Great Britain

François Rigaux, Universitè Catholique, Brussels, Belgium

Paolo Ungari, LUISS, Italy


Joseph Brodsky, Nobel Prize laureate for Literature

Rita Levi Montalcini, Nobel Prize laureate for Medicine

Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize laureate for Peace

Furio Colombo, journalist, Columbia University

Ralph Dahrendorf, rector, St. Antony College, Oxford, Great Britain

Marek Halter, writer - founder of S.O.S. Racisme

Fernando Savater, philosopher

Shimon Wiesenthal, director, Documental Center on War Crimes

THE OPENING SESSION should include speeches by the mayor of Barcelona, a representative of the Spanish government, a representative of the Parliament, the rector of the Barcelona University.

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