V Commissione(il seg deve ancora vedere il testo) ovviamente megliosei fax inviati saranno diversi.
NB ho messo una nota in Conf.Par.Rad sull'intera questione da cui
si possono pescare ulteriori elementi.
July 7, 1995
To: His Excellency the Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Re: International Criminal Court for the Ex-Yugoslavia's budget needs resolution by the July 14, 1995 deadline by the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly.
Your Excellency,
given that the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia's budget will officially run out on July 14, 1995 if the General Assembly does not approve it, we at the Transnational Radical Party wish to voice our deepest concern.
As an international organization and a newly approved NGO with a category 1 status, we have firmly and consistently supported the establishment of the ICTY and its continued operation.
It appears to us that the question of its need and efficacy is undisputed and that the only obstacle to the formal approval of its budget is whether it should be funded out of the regular U.N. budget or the peacekeeping force.
If the money differential between the two alternatives were considerable, one could more easily understand the arising of such "a precarious situation", as described by U.N. Controller Yukio Takasu; but being that the differential is relatively minute, we encourage you to reach a compromise as quickly as possible in order not to hamper the Tribunal's functioning.
We fervently hope that your diplomatic experience and the influence of your office will give the decisive impulse for a rapid resolution of this impasse.
Marino Busdachin
Transnational Radical Party
The addresses to write to would be:
His Excellency Boutros Boutros Ghali
Secretary General of the United Nations
The United Nations
New York, New York 10017
His Excellency Ambassador Adrien Teirlinck
Chairman, Fifth Committee of the General Assembly
The United Nations
New York, New York 10017
The fax numbers for the United Nations are 1-212-963-4879 and 1-212-371-4360. The main U.N. telephone number is 1-212-963-1234.