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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 18 luglio 1995

Dear Paolino,

I must tell you, that unfortunately I didn't understand your intervention at all. More precisely, I understood only, that you didn't like the last press release of A.R.A. on Bosnia, or the fact of its appearance.

Since I am convinced that speaking about a press release it is impossible to avoid its content, let me express my surprizing. You write: "...it is not prudent to stand with positions like that when those can realistically involve the whole Radical Party". Frankly speaking I do not understand, what for a position expressed in my statement differs so much with RP's position and risks to "involve the whole Radical Party"? Support of Jaqcues Chirac? Criticizing the Russian government and parties? Or what? Actually, I am more ready to face reproaches in plagiarism, but not in provoking and involving the RP in something what was not yet written in our Radical press releases...

Probably vice versa it could seem that it was no need to repeat again the same things but from the name of A.R.A. Really I thought twice before to issue that statement. And the only reason because I did it was the question we hear all this days and hours: "OK, but what you Russian anti-militarists think about the matter?" That's why I decided (I am still convinced) that such a position should be declared from the name of a Russian-based organization.

If nevertheless, I try really to understand your intervention without any relation with the subject of statement, the only logic consequence that I can arrive to is that it would be better for A.R.A. not to issue any press releases at all - in order not to involve Radical Party. But I am almost sure, you didn't mean this.

Thus, sorry again, Paolino, but after your intervention I remain in a big confusion...



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