Dear Paolino,
I can only say:
1. The A.R.A. is not an association for conscientious objection right in Russia: this objective is only one of its aims. The statute of A.R.A. provides in particular "withastanding to militarist and imperialist tendencies in domestic and foreign policy". As for the Motion, it does not exist yet: it should be passed on the First Congress of A.R.A.
2. My opinion is, that issue of war - be it in Chechnya (i.e. directly in Russia) or in Bosnia (i.e. with Russian support to the Serbs) - cannot be avoided by an anti-militarist association. Moreover, I am afraid that if development of events on Balkans will result more direct intervention of my country (or better to say - its militarist and imperialist circles) on the side of the aggressor, this questions necessarily will become one of the central point of our activity in Russia - not only as Radical members but also as members of A.R.A.
3. I do not think that statements of A.R.A. or its secretary on the issue of war in Bosnia and Russian support given to the aggressor, involve Radical Party more (or less) than statements of CoRA (or Carla Rossi as its secretary) on AIDS issue, for instance. Apart of this, I do not see any - even small - difference between the positions expressed by Radical Party press releases and those one issued by A.R.A.
4. For what concerns "useless analysis", I am afraid, that in a country like mine, where even the bigest part of Radical members yet suppose that "both sides are worse in the civil war", such kind of analysis (of course, not brilliant) can also be useful. Don't forget that in spite of fact that press release in English appeared ALSO in Conference Radical Party, it's main addressee in Russian were Russian mass media and political parties.
Ciao and abbracci.