even if I do believe to have been enough clear while exposing my personal view and opinion about the press release stated by ARA on Bosnia, I just will add a few lines, trying to help all of us to think about an issue which involves something more than nothing, in terms of methods and methodologies of being organized in a transnational political party.As far as I know Cora is a national organization, that is engaged in the antiprohibitionist struggle.It is a national association, it is a national organization, and it pays the rent and the expenses for the spaces it uses and for what it consumes.
Moreover, Cora has never expressed itself about agricoltural problems, for instance, even if drugs are often made out of agricoltural products.
Ara is an authonomous entity, as far as I know. but it is absolutely evident that its denomination involves the RP: I mean, given that the presence and the activity of Radicals in that countries is not so long, it is not sure that a statement made public by ARA will not be interpretated or felt as a statement bringing the policy of the RP.
I very clearly said and wrote in this conference that I do not want to discuss the content of the statement, for which was related to the lines speaking about Russia. Here and now, I said, I do not want to discuss it. And I still do not want to discuss it. On the other hand I do discuss the opportunity and the legitimity to express a position about something which is not contained in any document or press release spreaded by the responsible bodies of the party.
Personally, I've never read any statement given by the RP speaking about Russian role in former Yugoslavia. (Personally I think it has been opportune, so far; and that it is still opportune). So, given that the situation is a little complex, in the world and in Europe, and even in former Yugoslavia, it would be advisable for those who are not entitled to speak on behalf of RP, when it is possible some confusion to be created, not to stand up and declare anything.
I'd like to know - believe me, Nicky, not ironically: I simply do not know) if some initiative are planned in order to ask EU to do what we ask it to do. In order to hold a demonstration, for instance, in front of the EU embassy in Moscow bringing there our banners, those banners on which it will be possible to read those clear and fundamental points we affirmed in Cannes, such as elsewhere we have been and we are affirming.
I'd like to know . simply and just because I do not know it . if ARA is a national or transnational association, organization, or whatever.
Believe me, Nicky, I would simply like to know if RP is not, in your opinion, a subject able to stand clearly and firmly on Bosnian issue. RP is not enough, of course; at least because it is made by ... because it is a matter of a few hundreds people. But maybe the problem is strenghtening RP, rather than just supposing to help its struggles while risking to make confusion.
Nicky, just some very friendly and brotherly words.