Brussels, September 7, 1995Dear colleague,
You will be aware that our Parliament will soon embark upon the process of selecting a candidate for the Sakharov Prize.
You will no doubt also be aware of the particularly tragic situation in Tibet. The policy of the mass transfer of Chinese to Tibet could lead, if nothing is done, to the extinction of the Tibetan people and their culture through "dilution".
During the July 1995 session our Parliement, concerned by this urgent situation, adopted a resolution condemning the chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet.
We believe that there is an urgent need to re-exert pressure on the Chinese authorities, especially by highlighting the serious attacks on individuals' rights perpetrated in Tibet.
Therefore, we would ask you to lend your support to the nomination of Palden Gyatso for this prize. Palden Gyatso is a Tibetan monk who was held in Chinese jails for 33 years. Since his release and escape to India he has spoken out constantly against the deplorable jail conditions and torture still practised therein.
We are sure that in Mr Gyatso's biographical note herewith you will find further evidence of his suitability for the nomination for the Sakharov Prize.
We sincerily hope that you will support this nomination. If you would like to join us, please sign this letter and return it by fax to any of the following numbers: 284.91.97, 284.91.98.
Sincerely yours,
(EPP Group) (Green Group)
Gianfranco DELL'ALBA Ernesto CACCAVALE
(ERA Group) (UFE Group)
co-presidents of the Tibet Intergroup of the european Parliament