Brussels, September 21st, 1995
Dear Member of Parliament,
As you most probably know, the situation in Tibet is desperate: After more than 45 years of Chinese occupation of the country and a dozen years of systematic population transfer on a massive scale inflicted by the People's Republic of China, the Tibetan people is literally at risk of disappearing from the face of the earth within a few years.
The gravity of this situation, the real and imminent danger of the Tibetan people actually being extinguished through dilution, and the Bejing government's persistent refusal to open any kind of dialogue with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile, has made us decide to step up our non-violent struggle for Tibet's survival and its liberation.
Therefore we are now organising a world-wide campaign in direct co-operation with the Tibetan government in exile to make people aware of the situation in Tibet. Especially we hope to create awareness among national Parliaments so that in as many Parliaments as possible motions can be passed at the same time, condemning the occupation of Tibet and demanding a real process of de-colonisation for the country.
For this reason we also write to you, hoping that you, your parliamentary group or party will join our campaign and propose a motion along the lines indicated in our draft proposal (enclosed). Thus you could help to give the difficult struggle for the liberation of Tibet a new impulse.
Looking forward to you and your colleagues (MP's and senators from more than 40 countries around the world and recipients of this letter) supporting our vital initiative, we remain
Yours sincerely
Olivier DUPUIS
secretary of the transnational, transparty
Radical Party (*)
P.S. To be able to establish a closer contact between those deputies who are already working on this campaign, or who plan to do so, it would be very helpful if you could tell us how you are going to support our cause. This regards especially any motion or resolution you are possibly going to propose to your Parliament.
1) draft proposal for a Parliamentary motion on Tibet
2) text of the resolution passed by the European Parliament in its July session 1995
3) text of a resolution on Tibet passed by the US-Congress
4) an article giving background information on the situation in Tibet by Michael C. van Walt van Praag
(*) The Radical Party is a transnational and transparty political organisation. That is, an organisation of citizens and parliamentarians from various national political backgrounds who have chosen to commit themselves to a number of specific issues. Currently the Radical Party is campaigning for: the universal abolition of death penalty; the establishment of a permanent international criminal court; the revision, in an anti-prohibitionist direction, of international laws and conventions on drugs; support for Bosnia-Hercegovina, in particular by means of her immediate membership of the European Union; world-wide linguistic democracy and, of course, freedom for Tibet.
The Radical Party does not stand in national, regional or local elections. It was recently granted the First Category Consultative Status by the United Nations.