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Archivio segreteria PR
- 7 settembre 1995
Tibet: national Parliaments

Dear friends,

as you can see in Conference Radical Party, a draft motion on the tibetan question for the national parliaments is now ready. This text is based on the resolution recently approved by the European Parliament but it's, in some way, stronger than the european one.

Because of our financial problems, I think we have to send this text together with the introduction letter only, in a first stage, to those Parliaments we can reach without postal costs or with very little ones.

A second criteria for the mailing is the presence or not of a intergroup on Tibet in the relative parliaments. If such an intergroup exists, I think it could be better to inform first the president and the members of those intergroups and, successivly (second stage), all the members of those parliament.

According to these criteria, I think (but please inform me if I'm wrong) we can immediatly organize the mailings in the following parliaments:

First stage from the

office of


- Albania (Tirana)

- Austria (Budapest)

- Belgium (Brussels)

- Bulgaria (Sofia)

- Croatia (Zagreb)

- Hungary (Budapest)

- Luxemburg (Brussels)

- Spain (Madrid)

- Romania (Bucharest)

- Russia (Moscow)

- Ukraina (Kiev)

Second stage (*)


- Canada (New York)

- France (Brussels)

- Germany (Brussels)

- Italy (Rome)

- Netherlands (Brussels)

- Poland (Budapest)

- United K. (Brussels)

(*) as soon as we have informed the intergroups on Tibet of those parliaments

Third stage


When and if the Party will get some money, to other parliaments (to understand later)

Documents to be sent together with the text of the motion (in Conference Radical Party, text number 7075) and the introduction letter (in Conference Segreteria, text number 2561):

- the text of the resolution of the European Parliament (in Archives E.P., text number 1857);

- the text of the American Congress resolution (in Conference Tibet, text number 829) (if somebody translate it in some Agorà language, please send me a copy in e-mail).

- a presentation paper on the situation in Tibet of Michael C. van Walt van Praag (text number 913 in Conference Tibet). (Please send the translations in Agorà languages in e-mail to M.Sisani).


One of the goals of this mailing is to create intergroups on Tibet in those parliaments where they don't exist or to establish a strong relationship with those already existing in order to be able as soon as possible to create some kind of intergroup of the intergroups (in other words to give this role to the Radical Party). For that reason, we ask the parlamentarians in that introduction letter to inform us if they are interested in that issue and if they intend to promote the presentation of that motion. Of course, it will be probably necessary to contact them and, first of all, the parlamentarians members of the party or who sympathize with the party in order to have some answer. But that's usual.


Massimo Lensi is preparing a 1.000 lire on the Radical Party campaign on Tibet. Because of financial reasons, it is now difficult to understand when (and if) this brochure can be ready.

I hope I was enough clear. All the best to everybody !


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