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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 15 settembre 1995
Tibet: flag's campaign

Dear friends,

In the framework of our campaign "Freedom for Tibet", we are trying, as you know, to involve the mayors with a concrete proposal: to hoist on the Municipality Office the national tibetan flag the next 10 March, in occasion of the anniversary of the Lhasa insurection of 1959.

The first part of this initiative is already on the way. We have (12-13 september) sent from Brussels to some 100 mayors of capital-cities of the world, both by fax and by mail, a letter (in Conference Radical Party, text number 7115) with an appeal (in Conference Radical Party, text number 7109) and a answer coupon (in Conference Radical Party, text number 7116) together with an article on the situation of Tibet of Michael C. van Walt van Praag (in Conference Tibet, text number 913), the resolution of EP from July 1995 (in Archives E.P., text number 1857) and the Motion of the American Congress (in Conference Tibet, text number 829).

Beside those mayors, we are now sending (14-18 september) a similar letter to about 400 hundred mayors of big cities from central, eastern and western Europe and America (in Conference Segreteria, texts number 7110, 7111, 7112, 7113 and 7114 the lists of those cities).

To those mayors, we are asking to subscribe the appeal and sending it back with their signatures. Doing that, those mayors agree to hoist the national tibetan flag on the city hall. To obtain the flag the mayors from western countries have to send us between 100 and 1.000 dolars (it depends of the size of the city) and the mayors of the other countries between 50 and 500 dolars.

Obviously, apart from some case, we can't wait for their spontaneous answer. We will have, for each of those mayors, to organize some operation to convince them, calling them and/or, beter, asking for meetings and other initiatives.

For financial reasons, the developments of this initiative depend on the success of this first stage. If this first one could work, in other words, if we could be able to collect adhesions from about 50 rappresentative cities, we could extend it and send a similar letter to a growing number of mayors of little towns.

I think that 5-6 days after the expedition of the faxes, it's possible, from the different offices of the Party, to begin this operation of direct pressure on the mayors.

For organizational reasons, I would like to ask to everybody to put in Conference Segreteria the news on the answers received by the mayors and, obviously, the eventual adhesions and amount of money collected.

Good work,


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