Radicali.it - sito ufficiale di Radicali Italiani
Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

gio 27 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 27 settembre 1995
(to the primary attention of D.Quinto, O.Dupuis and R.Cicciomessere)

Since several days we are experiencing to be users of GlasNet - a Moscow based telematic system, member of APC (Association for Progressive Communication). It was created in 1991 especially to contribute into computerization of USSR and development of independent groups, grass roots activity, etc. Unlike another big CIS based network - which is called Relcom and is being used mainly by research institutes, government organizations, commercial enterprises, etc. - GlasNet is first of all at disposal of single persons, NGOs, political and public non-profit organizations. The big importance has also a relatively low price for all the services it provides, including full access to the Internet.

Shortly, why - as I think - we in Moscow and Kiev should use GlasNet too:

1. E-MAIL. Unlike Agora, GlasNet permits to send messages in Russian language using cyrillic characters to every user of any computer in Russia and CIS (mainly Relcom and GlasNet itself).

It is also important for:

- wide distribution of our materials and acceptance any responses and requests from part of Internet users in CIS;

- press releases sent by e-mail to many mass media, practically momentary (instead to fax all the night directly from our computer, as we used to do before);

- keeping in touch with existing remote "punti riferimento" having their own Internet e-mail addresses but being not allowed to use Agora because of some reasons (technical or financial): such as Minsk, Chisinau, Tashkent, Erevan, Cheljabinsk, etc.

2. CONFERENCING. GlasNet allows us to be constantly present in post-Soviet political cyberspace - conferences like relcom.politics, pol.russia, ukr.politics, reg.ussr, etc - to present Radical materials in Russia for a large amount of Russian reading computer users. Another possibility is to have on-line access for big amount of Usenet conferences (in Agora it's necessary to buy Fortfait Internet subscription) where we also begun to post some Radical materials and have gotten already some responses (see Conference Radical Party).

3. FAX SERVICE. GlasNet fax server (unlike both fax services provided by Agora: Agora itself and Sprint) permits to send faxes in Russian language using cyrillic characters. It is very important circumstance, allowing us to send press realeases automatically without using our computer and telephone line for hours or even days, as it was before. New possibility permits us to distribute any press realease practically immediately at any time: not necessary in the night as before.

4. TELNET AGORA. Even to connect with Agora using telnet program on GlasNet is twice cheaper than through Sprint. However, to be fair, it's necessary to say that quality of such connection is twice or even more worse - it cannot be used as main way to reach Agora, but as an additional possibility, especially in off-peak hours it could be useful.

The prices of GlasNet services currently are as follows (in USD):

Opening account (individual user) 6.30

Daily account maintenance

(individual user) 0.33

1 hour of session (direct call or via Internet) 1.62

1 hour of session (via X.25 concentrators

in Moscow) 4.00

1 hour of session (via X.25 concentrators

in Kiev) 15.34

1 hour of session (via Sprint, everywhere) 8.00

Outgoing Internet e-mail FREE OF CHARGE

Incoming Internet e-mail FREE OF CHARGE



Fax 1 page (2,000 symbols):

Moscow 0.08

ex-USSR 0.72

Americas 2.16

Great Britain 2.16

East Europe 2.52

West Europe 2.34

Asia, Australia 3.96

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