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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 30 settembre 1995

I would like to address OLIVIER DUPUIS as a Secretary of Radical party, SERGIO D'ELIA as a president of "Nessuno tocchi Caino" and DANILO QUINTO as a president of "Non c'è pace senza giustizia".

Dear friends,

Below there is a draft text (prepared in Kiev) of congratulating letter to Mr. Golovaty for he has been appointed to the post of Minister of justice of Ukraine. I hope, from previous texts you know, that he is a member of Radical party and a well-known politician of Ukraine; that's why I ask you to read and sign this letter (or to make amendments and sign it), in order to Kiev office (or one in Rome or Brussels) could send this congratulating FAX to Mr. Golovaty.


Rome - Brussels - Kiev

September 29, 1995


Sincerely we congratulate you, untiring fighter for human rights, with this appointment to the high and responsible post of Minister of justice of Ukraine. We believe that justice, tolerance and judiciousness so characteristic to you will promote development of our young democratic state, that is steadily integrating into the world community.

We sincerely hope on our further productive collaboration and your essential contribution to consolidation of just rules of international coexistence.

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